Evaluator: Hoper Benjamin Age: 22 Sex: male Web Browser and Version: Firefox 1.5 Operating System and Version: WinXP SP2 Internet Connection (Type and Speed): XDSL over WLAN Monitor Colours: 32bit Monitor Resolution: 1280x800 Monitor Size: 14,1'' Date of Evaluation: 26.4.2006 Time of Evaluation: 19:15 Positive Impressions -------------------- o Reaction Time The site reacts fast and surfing happens fluently on this connection. o Content The evaluated side provides the user with a huge amount of mostly well structured information. o Reversible Actions I found no action (except "logout" of course) that was not reversible. o Metaphors The page often uses metaphors for easier interaction. (Filialfinder, clickable Advertisments, ) o Colors The site uses colors that are comfortable to read and interact with. Problems -------- o Color not consistent It is good to layout different sections of the page with different colors. The page tries to archieve that, but is not consistant at all. It seems like the author has choosen 3 different colors for the first 3 items (eg "Angebote", "Kulinarik" and Vorteilsclub") and copied the other items' layout from the first one (all red) Heuristic: Consistency Location - How reproducible?: homepage -> different sections at the top Screenshot: bhopfer-prob1_1, bhopfer-prob1_2, bhopfer-prob1_3, bhopfer-prob1_4 o Menue hangs sometimes with firefox Its possible to move the mouse of the top menue without the corresponding dialoge to close. Heuristic: none Location: move mouse over a section at top -> move mouse fast diagonal to the left and down. May need a more than one try. Longer surfing on the site will most likely produce this (annoying) error multiple times Screenshot: bhopfer-prob2 o Top banners can be considered as advertising. The top banners and links to site subsections are likely to be considered unrelated advertising to a normal internet user. Heuristic: Recognition rather than recall Screenshot: none o Special character problems In various places "?" are displayed instead of german umlauts. Heuristic: none Location: Unterhaltung -> Fit & Well -> Psychotest -> "zu den psychotests" Unterhaltung -> Fit & Well -> Biorythmus Screenshot : bhopfer-prob3.png o Overlapped "frisch gekocht" magazin A opened "Frisch gekocht"-magazin will overlap the main menues selection. Heuristic: Consistency location: Kulinarik -> Frisch gekocht Magazin -> mouse over menue items screenshot: bhopfer-prob4.png o Amount of "Feinkost" If someone wants to buy cheese ore sausage in the onlineshop, the amount specifies KILOGRAMS! Although this is stated in tiny letters and in the help, most users would think that the amout means "dag" as in every shop in austria. So some customer might want to buy 20 dag of cheese and enters "20" in the box. Afterwards he gets 20 KILOGRAMS of cheese delivered and he won't like the bill too... Heuristic: Speak the users language Location: Shop -> Feinkost -> wurst offen -> wurst screenshot: bhopfer-prob5.png o Broken Links Taking the a test of the section "5 Elemente Ernährung" and pressing "weiter" after the first question, leads to dict.cc instead of the next question. Heuristic: Error Prevention Locaton: Kulinarik -> 5 Elemente Ernährung -> Test, Ted & Meihnung -> Any one of the tests -> optional: select option -> weiter Screenshot: bhopfer-prob6.png o Site not accessibly at all The site is almost impossible to use for people blind people. Scaling up the font size completly destroys the whole interface. The structure of the site is also hard to read for a screen reader. Heuristic: none Locaton: Everywhere, just scale up the font size Screenshot:bhopfer-prob7.png o Error message for signing up When clicking "Noch nicht registriert" at the homepage, the system expects that a valid email adress is entered in the field "eMail". The error message if the no email adress was entered or the format of the entered adress is invalid is: " Bitte geben Sie eine gültige Email - Addresse ein". This error message is neither precise nor multi-level and it is a bit defensive too. Heuristic: Good Error Messages Location: Click "Noch nicht registriert" Screenshot: bhopfer-prob8.png o Menue disabled when inside the shop After the user clicked "Shop", the top menue popups does not work any more and clicking an item opens a new window. Heuristic: Consistency Location: Shop at top menue -> move mouse over the top menue Screenshot: bhopfer-prob9.png