Evaluator: Ulrich Krispel Age: 28 Sex: male Web Browser and Version: Opera 8.54 Operating System and Version: Windows XP Service Pack 2 Internet Connection (Type and Speed): XDSL@student Monitor Colours: 32bit Monitor Resolution: 1024x768 Monitor Size: 19" CRT Date of Evaluation: 23.04.2006 Time of Evaluation: 2 hours Positive Impressions -------------------- o Navigation Description The navigation is easy and conforms to web "quasi-standards", having main menu options on top and submenu open on the left side. Main menu options are clearly structured and conform to what we determined as main user groups. Screenshot: krispel-pos01.png o Information Description The Homepage has alot of information besides the company-specific things (advertisements, shop, etc..), for example moon calendar, possibility to send sms for members, etc Screenshot: none Problems -------- o Jumping off the shop Description When navigating through the main menu, after selecting the online shop the next selected main option spawns in a new window. Heuristic: A04 Consistency Location - How reproducible?: Select "Shop" from main menu and then a arbitrary main menu option Screenshot: krispel-prob01.png o Bottom Bar is off Description In Opera, the "Login" button on the bottom bar is vertically displaced by a few pixels. Heuristic: A04 Consistency Location - How reproducible?: Red Bottom Bar, "login" on the left Screenshot: krispel-prob02.png o The Animated Banners Description The moving and animating Banners Heuristic: A08 Aesthetic and Minimalist Design Location - How reproducible?: Banner(s) on top Screenshot: none o Moving the Menu into Nirvana Description Using the Scroll Wheel, the user can scroll the submenu on the left out of the screen (menu moves up). Works on every left Menu except the initial starting page and the onlinehsop Heuristic: A04 Consistency Location - How reproducible?: Mouse with Scroll Wheel needs to be present. Move Mouse Cursor into the submenu on the left and use the scrollwheel to move the menu out of the screen Screenshot: krispel-prob03.png o Onlineshop Quantity keyboard input problem Description Entering a quantity in the onlineshop and pressing enter leads to a blank page. Pressin back doesn't even lead to the form the number had been entered in, but to the page before. Heuristic: A05 Error Prevention Location - How reproducible?: enter any characters in a field that is used to specify the amount of ordered products in the onlineshop and press enter. Screenshot: krispel-prob04.png o Shopping Cart can't be emptied Description The online shop misses an option to empty the shopping cart at once. The only way to achieve this is to manually enter '0' into each textbox for an amount and press "Aktualisierung" Heuristic: A07 Flexibility and Efficiency of Use Location - How reproducible?: Shopping cart Screenshot: krispel-prob05.png o Trying to register fails at startpage Description When opening the startpage and trying to newly register for an account, trying to click "Noch nicht registriert?" gives a wrong error message "Bitte geben Sie eine gültige E-Mail Adresse an" The system should rather directly go to the first page of the registration where the user can enter his email address, rather than firing an error message. Heuristic: A05 Error Prevention Location - How reproducible?: Start Page, click on "Noch nicht registriert?" without entering an e-mail address Screenshot: krispel-prob06.png o Main menu inconsistency Description On all Main Menu points there is the option to return to the start page on the top left of the submenu, except "Shop" and "Billa4Kids" Heuristic: A04 Consistency Location - How reproducible?: on left submenu when selecting main menu points "shop" and "Billa4Kids" Screenshot: none o Sub menu is too small sometimes Description when opening submenus on the left sidemenu sometimes the entries are too long, and a horizontal scrollbar is shown. This is inconvenient to use, and since the layout is made for a fixed width the submenu points should be made into multi-line entries, because using a horizontal scrollbar in the small menu is inconvenient to use. Heuristic: A07 Flexibility and Efficiency of Use Location - How reproducible?: Click "Shop" on top menu and then "Nahrungsmittel" on the left sidemenu. Screenshot: krispel-prob07.png o Links are not consistent Description Links as well as emphasized texts are sometimes the both color. The links are not consistent throughout the site as well, sometimes they change color with a mouseover, sometimes they're not even under- lined. The Screenshot shows an example of the both color problem, the only link on that page is ">>mehr info". Heuristic: A02 Speak the Users' Language Location - How reproducible?: The Screenshot is from "Unternehmen" -> "Lehrlinge" -> "Seminare" Screenshot: krispel-prob08.png o Login doesn't work with keyboard in Opera Description Entering e-mail address and password and pressing ENTER doesn't work in Opera. Both input fields are cleared and nothing happens, although pressing enter is the standard for "submitting" or "acknowledging" things. Same on the Heuristic: A02 Speak the Users' Language Location - How reproducible?: All Login Fields, be it on top left of the start page or the "Login" Button on the bottom bar, or the login below the left submenu on any main menu point Screenshot: none o "Anmeldung" has multiple functions in Onlineshop Description When browsing the online shop, theres a button "Anmelden" on the top right of the content window. Using this when already logged into the system opens up the User Profile to change the users data. Heuristic: A04 Consistency Location - How reproducible?: goto "Shop", the button is displayed just below the shopping cart icon on top right (see screenshot) Screenshot: krispel-prob09.png