Evaluator: Joachim Lechner Age: 25 Sex: male Web Browser and Version: Mozilla Firefox Operating System and Version: Debian GNU/Linux (unstable) Internet Connection (Type and Speed): 16Mbit (Chello) Monitor Colours: 24bit Monitor Resolution: 1280x1024 Monitor Size: 17" Date of Evaluation: 19.04.2006 Time of Evaluation: 14:00-16:00 Positive Impressions -------------------- o Different colors per user type Description Each user type has its own color in the from start of the website on. The menu color is the user color. This leads to a better identification where the users are. Screenshot: leechjoe-pos01.png o Short description to the different sections Description Each menu entry has a short description, which provides a good way to show what different sections of the website offer to the user. This easies the choices. Screenshot: leechjoe-pos02.png o Search field is available from everywhere Description The user can search for things at every position on the website. Additionally the search returns useful results. Screenshot: leechjoe-pos03.png Problems -------- ==================================== Main ONE Website o Overloaded with ONE advertisements Description The start point of the website is a bit overloaded with advertisements. Animated pictures distracts the user. This may also frighten off users. Heuristic: A08 Aesthetic and Minimalist Design Location - How reproducible?: view main ONE website Screenshot: leechjoe-prob01.png o Missing back/undo button in "Kundenservice" login Description The only way to go back is the back button of the webbrowser. Heuristic: A03 Reversible Actions Location - How reproducible?: click on "Passwort vergessen" / "Neuer Benutzer" / "Warum anmelden?" in the "Kundenservice" section of the start point of the website Screenshot: leechjoe-prob02.png ==================================== "Privatkunden" section o "Privatkunden": Menu entries are not shown to the user at the first level Description The menu normally shows the available sub elements, which could be selected. This is not shown at the first level of a specific section ("Privatkunden", "Wertkartenkunden", "Businesskunden"). Heuristic: A04 Consistency Location - How reproducible?: enter "Privatkunden" section select one of the elements of the combo-boxes (e.g. "Handys & Tarife -> Übersicht") Screenshot: leechjoe-prob03a.png leechjoe-prob03b.png o "Privatkunden": "Rund ums Handy" misleading title Description The user may be misled because of the name. (e.g. the Handy-Assistent should maybe be a own section under "Handys & Tarife" or the section should be called "Other things" or so) Heuristic: A02 Speak the Users' Language Location - How reproducible?: enter "Privatkunden" section select "Handys & Tarife" select "Rund ums Handy" Screenshot: leechjoe-prob04.png o "Privatkunden": Overloaded section "Handymodelle" Description The list of model identification codes may confuse the user. Heuristic: A08 Aesthetic and Minimalist Design Location - How reproducible?: enter "Privatkunden" section select "Handys & Tarife" select "Handymodelle" Screenshot: leechjoe-prob05.png o "Privatkunden": "Hidden" links to details for ONE Plus (Young) rate Description The link to the details for the different ONE Plus rates is not placed on a intuitive location. Additionally the yellow text on the white background is not very good to read. Heuristic: A02 Speak the users' language A06 Recognition Rather Than Recall Location - How reproducible?: enter "Privatkunden" section select "Handys & Tarife" select "Aktuelle Angebote" select "ONE Plus (Young)" Screenshot: leechjoe-prob06.png o No direct links to the different sections in the address bar Description It is not possible to copy or store the actual location. The different pages are not storable as bookmarks. When using the load in extra tab feature of firefox via their middle mouse button the link is visible to the user. But the link timed out after ~20 minutes of inactivity. Heuristic: A07 Flexibility and Efficiency of Use Location - How reproducible?: use the website :-) Screenshot: leechjoe-prob07.png o "ONE Smile": Missing description for "Handys & Tarife" and "Kundenservice" Description "Produkte" and also "ONE Smile" have a own section as description (the first entry in the menu). Such a description is missing in the other two sections of this level. Heuristic: A04 Consistency Location - How reproducible?: enter "Privatkunden" section select "ONE Smile" select the first entry of this subsection "ONE Smile Portal" select other subsections and their first entries Screenshot: leechjoe-prob08.png o Link viability and consistency Description The links format differs. So it is not always clear what a link is. Additionally the links look similar to the text. Heuristic: A04 Consistency Location - How reproducible?: use the website Screenshot: leechjoe-prob09a.png leechjoe-prob09b.png leechjoe-prob09c.png o "ONE Smile": ONE Smile logo placement Description The whole website uses a fixed width. The ONE Smile logo is placed partially outside this website frame. Heuristic: A04 Consistency Location - How reproducible?: enter "Privatkunden" section select "ONE Smile" Screenshot: leechjoe-prob10.png o Overall website width Description The website is restricted to a fixed width. At the used resolution the website looks a bit strange. 1/3 of the screen is unused. A normal user expects to be able to use the website at full-screen. Heuristic: A04 Speak the Users' Language Location - How reproducible?: enter "Privatkunden" section select "ONE Smile" (presented in the picture) or use the website Screenshot: leechjoe-prob11.png (same as picture of the previous problem) o "Games": Text behaves as link Description When moving the mouse over the description of the games, the text seems to be clickable. The reason for this is the underline hover effect. Of course nothing happens when clicking on it. Heuristic: A04 Consistency Location - How reproducible?: enter "Privatkunden" section select "ONE Smile" select "Downloads" select "Games" select "Top Games" move mouse over description of the games Screenshot: leechjoe-prob12.png o "Games": Misplaced Download button Description The download button is placed inside the Information Dialog. This Information element only contains information about something related to the current site. Heuristic: A06 Recognition Rather Than Recall Location - How reproducible?: enter "Privatkunden" section select "ONE Smile" select "Downloads" select "Games" select "Top Games" select a game Screenshot: leechjoe-prob13.png o "Games": Help is not directly accessible via the menu Description Only the Information box leads to the Help for how to download games. On other positions of the website the Information Box is used to link to other sections where more information on similar content or more detailed content is presented. Heuristic: A06 Recognition Rather Than Recall Location - How reproducible?: enter "Privatkunden" section select "ONE Smile" select "Downloads" select "Games" select "Top Games" select a game Screenshot: leechjoe-prob14.png o "Ladezone": Is not integrated to the website Description When clicking on "Ladezone" the menu disappears and the user moves to an separated internal site. This part is only partially consistent with the whole ONE website. Heuristic: A04 Consistency Location - How reproducible?: enter "Privatkunden" section select "ONE Smile" select "Downloads" select "Games" select "Ladezone" Screenshot: leechjoe-prob15.png o "Ladezone": Different link behaviour Description Links should be equal to ones of the ones used in the whole website. Heuristic: A04 Consistency Location - How reproducible?: enter "Privatkunden" section select "ONE Smile" select "Downloads" select "Games" select "Ladezone" use the menu on the left side Screenshot: leechjoe-prob16.png o "Ladezone": Time duration between selection and update Description The update for the right side of the page takes some time (>1 second). Sometimes a busy cursor is presented sometimes not, when using the menu in the "Ladezone" section. Heuristic: A01 Feedback Location - How reproducible?: enter "Privatkunden" section select "ONE Smile" select "Downloads" select "Games" select "Ladezone" use the menu on the left side Screenshot: (not available) o "Ladezone": "Handy Auswahl" doesn't work Description Nothing happens when clicking on the "Handy Auswahl" link. No error message nor any feedback is presented. Using Konqueror the link works. Heuristic: A01 Feedback A09 Good Error Messages Location - How reproducible?: enter "Privatkunden" section select "ONE Smile" select "Downloads" select "Games" select "Ladezone" click on "Handy Auswahl" Screenshot: leechjoe-prob18.png o Reload button resets the current view Description When clicking on the reload button of the web browser not the current page is reloaded, but the browser is reset to the main web site. Heuristic: A03 Reversible Actions Location - How reproducible?: surf on the website click the reload button of the browser Screenshot: leechjoe-prob19a.png leechjoe-prob19b.png o "ONE Smile": Missing title links at "Shops" Description The bold title of the different sections are not links like in the other sections of the web site. The links are instead placed in the information box on the right side. Heuristic: A04 Consistency Location - How reproducible?: enter "Privatkunden" section select "ONE Smile" select "Bezahlen per Handy" select "Shops" select "Aktuelle Angebote" Screenshot: leechjoe-prob20.png ==================================== "Wertkartenkunden" and "Businesskunden" section o Predefined shortcuts links to wrong section Description When using the shortcuts in the "Wertkartenkunden" or "Businesskunden" section then the links forward to the "Privatkunden" section. So the shortcuts are only useful for persons who are already ONE customers or private customers. Heuristic: A07 Flexibility and Efficiency of Use Location - How reproducible?: enter "Wertkartenkunden" or "Businesskunden" section use the links of the shortcut menu on the bottom left (e.g. "Tarife") Screenshot: leechjoe-prob21a.png leechjoe-prob21b.png o Wrong link in "Kundenservice" in section "Wertkartenkunden" and "Businesskunden" Description "Newsflash Abos" under "Mein Konto" leads to the "Privatkunden" section instead of staying in the "Wertkartenkunden" section. Heuristic: A04 Consistency Location - How reproducible?: enter "Wertkartenkunden" / "Businesskunden" section select "Kundenservice -> Übersicht" select "Newsflash Abos" under the "Mein Konto" combo-box Screenshot: leechjoe-prob22a.png leechjoe-prob22b.png o "ONE 2 Switch" "Anfrage an ONE Business" can be sent without any input Description It is necessary to insert data in this form (input fields marked with a *). But it is possible to send the Content without filling in the necessary data. A error message should be presented in this case. Heuristic: A09 Good Error Messages Location - How reproducible?: enter "Businesskunden" section select "Produkte & Lösungen -> Administration" select "Anmelden" select "Anfrage an ONE Business" enter some Information or no Information press the send button Screenshot: leechjoe-prob23a.png leechjoe-prob23b.png leechjoe-prob23c.png o "Anfrage ONE Business" resets the menu Description When clicking on the information box link the menu gets reset. This doesn't happen in the other sections, where this feature is supplied. Heuristic: A04 Consistency Location - How reproducible?: enter "Businesskunden" section select "Referenzen -> ONE in der Praxis" select "Kundenliste" select "Anfrage an ONE Business" Screenshot: leechjoe-prob24a.png leechjoe-prob24b.png ==================================== look around at some other things o Text behaves as link Description When moving the mouse pointer over the text the text behaves like a link, but nothing happens when clicking on it. This behaviour is used in all the dialogs of this part of the website. Heuristic: A04 Consistency Location - How reproducible?: enter "PRIVATKUNDEN" section select "Kundenservice -> Infos & FAQs" click on e.g. "Bezahlen per Handy" Screenshot: leechjoe-prob25.png o Searching for an empty word leads to a wrong error message Description When clicking on the search button without entering any text the system responds with an technical error. The search works if a text is entered, so this is a misleading error message. Heuristic: A09 Good Error Messages Location - How reproducible?: click on the search button without entering any text Screenshot: leechjoe-prob26.png o How to get back to the main website Description It took me some time to find out that the logo is a link back to the start point of the website. This and reentering the website address (clicking on the reload button) is the only way back. A hint would be nice. Heuristic: A03 Reversible Actions Location - How reproducible?: surf the website click on the ONE logo Screenshot: (not available) ==================================== go back to the starting point and test the "Webshop" section o "Webshop": How to get back to the main website Description The back button of the browser doesn't work. Instead of this there exists a link called HOME, which links back to the start point of the website. Heuristic: A03 Reversible Actions Location - How reproducible?: select "Shop für Neukunden" from the "Webshop" section try to press the back button Screenshot: (not available) o "Webshop": Hidden link to "Neukunden" webshop main page from sub pages Description The image on the top bar on the left links back to the main webshop page. Only a small hidden additional Link on the bottom left of the site links additionally back to the main page of the "Neukunden" webshop. Without any hint this feature is unusable. The only other way is the back button of the browser. Heuristic: A03 Reversible Actions Location - How reproducible?: enter the "Neukunden" webshop section select "Handy Auswahl" try to find a way back Screenshot: leechjoe-prob29.png o "Webshop": Arrows not clickable Description The arrows on the left menu of the webshop are not usable. Nothing happens when clicking on them. Heuristic: A02 Speak the Users' Language Location - How reproducible?: enter the "Neukunden" webshop section select "Handy Auswahl" select a mobile phone try to use the arrows Screenshot: leechjoe-prob30.png o "Webshop": Choose category ability not supported Description The "Kategorieauswahl -> Privatkunden" link does nothing at all and may confuse the user. Heuristic: A02 Speak the Users' Language A08 Aesthetic and Minimalist Design Location - How reproducible?: enter the "Neukunden" webshop section select "Handy Auswahl" select a mobile phone click at the "Kategorieauswahl -> Privatkunden" link Screenshot: leechjoe-prob31.png (the same picture as leechjoe-prob30.png) o "Webshop": Misleading button name "Bestellen" Description This shouldn't be called "Bestellen" because the selection is not ordered when clicked. It is only selected and put to the shopping cart. Heuristic: A02 Speak the Users' Language Location - How reproducible?: enter the "Neukunden" webshop section select "Handy Auswahl" select a mobile phone select a rate look at the button / click on "Bestellen" Screenshot: leechjoe-prob32.png o "Webshop": Selection of the order is lost on error Description The selection of the type of payment is lost when wrong values are entered and the form is sent. But the content is not lost, when selecting again the right selection the values appear. Heuristic: A03 Reversible Actions Location - How reproducible?: enter the "Neukunden" webshop section select "Handy Auswahl" select a mobile phone select a rate click on "Bestellen" click on "Bestellen" a second time fill in information in the "Bezahlung Ihrer monatlichen ONE Service Abrechnung" section click on "Bestellung senden" Screenshot: leechjoe-prob33a.png leechjoe-prob33b.png leechjoe-prob33c.png ==================================== go back to the starting point and test menu bar on the bottom o "Jobs": User unfriendly text Description The used text in this section is partially cryptic and can't be read directly. Additionally the text is partially English and not German. Heuristic: A02 Speak the Users' Language Location - How reproducible?: enter the "Jobs" section click on "Suchen" without entering anything (default values list all available jobs) select the first available job (e.g. "Junior Controller") Screenshot: leechjoe-prob34.png o Popup Windows Description The "Jobs" dialog is opened in a new window. It would be better to embed the dialog to the website. Firefox blocks these Popup windows per default. Additionally to this a message about blocked popups is presented on the original window. Such a behaviour can also be found in many other positions on the website. Heuristic: A05 Error Prevention Location - How reproducible?: enter the "Jobs" section Screenshot: leechjoe-prob35.png o "Jobs": Switch from German to English Description The linked page is written in English, but German is expected because there is a own English section of this page. Heuristic: A02 Speak the Users' Language Location - How reproducible?: enter the "Jobs" section click on "Initiativbewerbung" Screenshot: leechjoe-prob36a.png (same as picture leechjoe-prob35.png) leechjoe-prob36b.png