Evaluator: Markus Tatzgern Age: 23 Sex: male Web Browser and Version: Operating System and Version: Debian GNU/Linux (unstable)/ 2.6.11 Internet Connection (Type and Speed): ADSL 2048 kbit/s Monitor Colours: 24bit Monitor Resolution: 1280x1024 Monitor Size: 19" Date of Evaluation: 25th April 2006 Time of Evaluation: 10:30 - 14:00 Positive Impressions -------------------- o One Service help offer in webshop The One Service hotline number and email address is visible in each window of the online shop. Heuristic: Help and Documentation Location: At the top right Screenshot: tatze-pos01.png o Selection by plan (Tarif) or mobile phone in webshop In the starting window of the webshop for new customers the customer has the possibility to select either a mobile or a plan as the base of the order. When selecting a mobile the plan has to be chosen in the second step and vice versa. Heuristic: Flexibility and Efficiency of Use Location: In the starting window of the online shop, the orange and red selection fields at the left. Screenshot: tatze-pos02.png o Mobile phone selection in the webshop When choosing a mobile phone the customer can filter out the ones he needs - e.g. by selecting a manufacturer, choosing mp3 functionality, mms, ... - by using checkboxes or a drop-down menu. Heuristic: Flexibility and Efficiency of Use Location: At the top of the mobile phone selection screen Screenshot: tatze-pos03.png o Sidebar leading through the ordering process In the webshop the customer gets an overview on the ordering procedure by the progress bar on the left of the screen. Heuristic: Help and Documentation Location: The ordering precedure of the webshop. Screenshot: tatze-pos04.png o Returning to previous steps in webshop The customer can easily return to previous steps in the webshop by selecting the "Zurueck" button. Heuristic: Reversible Actions Location: Nearly everywhere in the webshop Screenshot: tatze-pos05.png o Completing the ordering Filling out the ordering generates helpful error messages when done incorrectly. Heuristic: Good Error Messages Location: When filling out the order. Screenshot: tatze-pos06.png o Comparing plans of the webshop The plans of a category can be compared by selecting the link "Vergleich in gewählter Kategorie: ALLE TARIFE UND PAKETE". Location: In the plan selection of the webshop. Screenshot: tatze-pos07.png o Changing selections in the check order screen of the webshop The customer can change the mobile or the plan in the check order screen of the webshop. Location: Go through the ordering until the checking Screenshot: tatze-pos08.png o Menu bars at the main page The menu bars at the mainpage always shows a customer where on the page he actually is and provides shortcuts to other parts. They are coloured differently for private, Take One and business customers. Location: At the top of of the main page after choosing private, business or Take One customer Screenshot: tatze-pos09.png o Possibility to compare data of mobiles The customer has the possibility to compare the technical data of different mobiles by using a "Handy Vergleich". Location: Privatkunden->Handys&Tarife->Rund ums Handy->Handy Assistent->Handy-Vergleich Screenshot: tatze-pos10.png o Base structure of the menus is equal The basic options of the menus for different customers are equal. Location: Privatekunden, Werkartenkunden, Businesskunden Screenhost: tatze-pos11a.png, tatze-pos11b.png, tatze-pos11c.png o Customer can define shortcuts Registered customers can define shortcuts to certain parts of the page. Some shortcuts are predefined for each section of the page. The context (Privatkunden, Wertkartenkunden, Businesskunden) is recognized and the shortcuts point to the corresponding part of the actual context. Location: A side bar to the left of the screen Screenshot: tatze-pos12.png Problems -------- o Advertisment for online registration in webshop There is an advertisement for an online registration telling the user he gets 100 SMS for free when he registers online. There is no additional help associated with this offer. Heuristic: Help and Documentation Location: In the first window of the online shop for new customers, the middle right field, and In the mobile phone selection dialogue Screenshot: tatze-prob01a.png, tatze-prob01b.png o Button "NACH OBEN" in webshop The button has no effect in the starting window with the chosen resolution. Heuristic: Aesthetic and Minimalist Design Location: Bottom right in the online shop for new customers. Screenshot: tatze-prob02.png o Links "Home" and "Webshop Home" The links "Home" and "Webshop Home" are too far away from each other. I first looked for a "Home" button and pressed it without noticing the link "Webshop Home". Heuristic: Flexibility and Efficiency of Use Location: At the bottom of the screen of the online shop in each window. Screenshot: tatze-prob03.png o Picture of mobile is missing The picture of the mobile phone "Motorola U6 Pebl" is missing throughout the webshop. Location: Noticed in the starting window of the webshop. Noticed in the mobile selection dialogue. Screenshot: tatze-prob04a.png, tatze-prob04b.png o Too little information on plan advertisment In the first window of the online shop there is an advertisement for an One plan. After clicking on it there is little additional information offered on this plan, e.g. no fees per minute. Heuristic: Help and Documentation. Location: Clicking the advertisement at the top left in the beginning of the webshop. Screenshot: tatze-prob05.png o Labels of buttons are cut in webshop In the ordering dialogue the labels of the buttons are cut. Location: Follow the ordering procedure to the ordering Screenshot: tatze-prob06.png o Plans provide little information in webshop The plans of the webshop provide little information on the actual billing, e.g. cost per minute. There exist no links to the full plans. This is the situation in the whole webshop. Heuristic: Help and Documentation Location: After choosing a plan in the webshop Screenshot: tatze-prob07.png o Unnecessary option in plan selection in webshop After choosing a mobile phone and going to the plan selection there is a link "Privatkunde" at the top of the webshop. It is of no use for the customer. When starting the ordering with the plan selection at this location three different categories of plans can be found. Heuristic: Aesthetic and Minimalist Design Location: After choosing a mobile and going to the plan selection Screenshot: tatze-prob08.png o Take One Turbo in the mobile phone selection in webshop The Take One Turbo option in the mobile phone selection is irritating. Take One Turbo offers just a SIM card and not a mobile. The option can also be found in the plan selection of the webshop. Heuristic: Consistency Location: In the mobile phone selection of the webshop Screenshot: tatze-prob09.png o The option "Mobiles Breitband" in plan selection After selecting a "Mobiles Breitband" plan, the progress bar on the left becomes irritating. When first showing the order "Tarif->Handy->Pruefen->Bestellen" it jumps to the order "Handy->Tarif->Pruefen->Bestellen". After selecting the mobile the sidebar just shows the two points "Pruefen->Bestellen". Heurstic: Consistency Location: Select a plan in the webshop, select a mobile, go to the step of checking the order. Screenshot: tatze-prob10a.png, tatze-prob10b.png, tatze-prob10c.png o Unknown error when aborting an order In one instance I got an unknown error after aborting an ordering. Heuristic: Good Error Messages Location: Pressing the button "Kauf abbrechen" in the order check dialogue Screenshot: tatze-prob11a.png, tatze-prob11b.png o No explanation of plan options and special terms in webshop A glossary or FAQ in the webshop explaining the plan options and terms like "Take One", "Mobiles Breitband", "Bluetooth", "Aktivierungsentgelt" ... is missing. Heuristic: Help and Documentation o Home button at the main page The home button of the main page is hidden in the ONE Logo at the top left. Heuristic: Recognition Rather Than Recall Location: The whole main page www.one.at Screenshot: tatze-prob12.png o Colour of font on white background The one page offers a yellow colour for fonts on a white background which is difficult to focus on. Location: In the menu for private customers, in the company profile (bottom link) Screenshot: tatze-prob13a.png, tatze-prob13b.png o Overview on the plans in the "AGB" The bottom link to the AGB also contains information on the plans. An overview of 28 pages on the different plans of ONE is provided there. This is the wrong place for such a thing. Heuristic: Consistency Location: Link "AGB" at the bottom of the www.one.at page Screenshot: tatze-prob14.png o Overall response time of www.one.at The overall response time of www.one.at is ~1-3 seconds, which is too long for an impatient user. Heuristic: Feedback o Long way to information about "One For Me" There is no detailed information provided on "One For Me" until the user works through some menus. Heuristic: Aesthetic and Minimalist Design Location: Privatkunden->Kundenservice->One For Me->Allgemein->Informationen zu One For Me Screenshot: tatze-prob15.png o Important customer service options are hidden Important customer service options like "repair" or "mobile stolen" are hidden in the option One For Me. These options also exist in "Handys&Tarife" in the private customer options. Heuristic: Consitency, Recognition Rather Than Recall Location: Privatkunden->Kundenservice->One For Me->Mein Handy Privatkunden->Handys&Tarife->Rund ums Handy Screenshot: tatze-prob16a.png, tatze-prob16b.png o FAQs are hidden and incomplete The FAQs are hidden in the customer service sections. Usually I look for them at the bottom or at other obvious places. In this case I have to go through several options to find them. The FAQs are also incomplete. I looked for a glossary of terms. Heuristic: Help and Documentation Location: Privatkunden->Kundenservice->Infos & FAQs Screenshot: tatze-prob17.png o Overall menu structure visibility The first submenus only become visible after selecting one point out of the drop down menus. In the beginning only the options "Privatkunden", "Wertkartenkunden" and "Businesskunden" are available. Heuristic: Flexibility and Efficiency of Use Location: Selecting one of the three blocks to the left at the www.one.at homepage->select out of the drop down menu to move further on Screenshot: tatze-prob18.png o Download "Kronenzeitung Kreuzwortraetsel" After looking for a mobile plan I noticed the download link "Kronenzeitung Kreuzwortraetsel" at the right of the screen. This does not belong here. Heuristic: Consistency Location: Privatkunden->Handys & Tarife->Tarife->Vertraege->One Plus Screenshot: tatze-prob19.png o No comparison between plans The cost of plans have to be compared manually. Although there exists a comparison tool for mobiles, there does not exist one for plans. Heuristic: Help and Documentation