Gerwald Tschinkel
Luis Dean Kals
René Langgartner
The Thinking Aloud Method is basically the user telling us their thoughts during the evaluation of the website. This includes: what the user is trying to do, questions he/she has, confusing details and decisions he or she makes.
The user is asked to fill out a consent form and a non-disclosure agreement. They are given a basic introduction to thinking aloud tests like a video of a previous test so they know what awaits them. The user uses a designated test machine and is monitored by an examiner, camera, a microphone and screen-capturing software. A Mirror is also used to capture facial features and a scribe logs the events during a test. When finished, the user is asked to fill out a questionnaire and answer a few interview questions.
Based on this list, we are taking the following user profile for the Thinking Aloud Test:
Users that just want to "browse" through the page / through the products.
Name | Age | Computer Experience | Profession | Role |
Ulrike Krisch | 26 | Novice User | Student | Pilot Test User |
Anna Antensteiner | 20 | Novice User | Student | Test User |
Susanne Popp | 22 | Novice User | Student | Test User |
Lisa Schmölzer | 19 | Experienced User | Student | Test User |
Michael Lee | 20 | Experienced User | Student | Test User |
Hardware | Intel Core2 Duo, 4GB RAM |
Operating System | Windows 7 Ultimate |
Web Browser | Internet Explorer 8.0 |
Connection | 8Mbit |
Monitor Colours | 32 bit |
Monitor Resolution | 1280 x 800 |
Monitor Size | 13,3'' TFT |
We have a source for the equipment, but we still waiting for confirmation, and so the equipment cannot be specified at this moment in time.
As Screen Capture Software we will use CamStudio.
Task 1 (first impressions) is given. Think of four further tasks for users to perform on your client's web site, in increasing order of difficulty.
Table 3 shows the tasks which will be used.
Task No. | Description | Prerequisites | Completion Criteria | Max. Time | Possible Solution Path |
1 | [First impressions] Please go to the web site and spend a few minutes looking aound the site. | Web browser opened at | User indicates they have finished looking around or 3 minutes have elapsed. | 3 minutes. |
After 3 minutes ask the user:
2 | Please put any product you like into your shopping list. | Web browser opened at | User indicates they have finished looking around or 5 minutes have elapsed. | 5 minutes. | Click on "Mediazone" -> "Strategie" -> Put any product into your shopping list |
3 | Please register on the website and log in | Web browser opened at | User indicates they have finished or 4 minutes have elapsed. | 4 minutes. | Click on "Jetzt Anmelden" -> Complete the blanks |
4 | Now, please find a job as "Kassamitarbeiter/in Teilzeit" at any store you like. | Web browser opened at | User indicates they have finished or 5 minutes have elapsed. | 5 minutes. | Click on "Jobs" -> Select store "St.Lorenzen" |
5 | Listen to any song you like and store the album the song belongs to into your accounts memory. After you did that leave the website (log out if you are logged in) and try to find the album in your account. If you did feel free to delete your account. | Web browser opened at and you are not logged in | User indicates they have finished or 5 minutes have elapsed. | 5 minutes. | Log in -> Click on "Mediazone" -> Click on "Musik-Downloads" -> Choose an album and listen to a song on it -> Click on "Produkt merken" -> Log out -> Log in -> Click on "Mein Account" -> Click on "Shop" |
"What did you think?" / "How was it?"
Was it easy or hard to fulfill the tasks?
What did you find the most annoying when browsing through the site?
Do you find the page / the navigation well structured?
All materials should be printed out and included in the hardcopy version.
Adapt the orientation script
for your test.
Suggest additional new questions for your test at the bottom of the
background questionnaire
Include the consent form
from the materials unchanged here.
Include the data collection form
from the materials unchanged here.
Include the feedback questionnaire
from the materials unchanged here.