Evaluator: Maximilian Weber Age: 21 Sex: Male Device: Samsung Galaxy S5 SM-G900F Operating System and Version: Android 6.0.1 Web Browser and Version: Chrome Version 56.0.2924.87 Ad Blocker: none Internet Connection Type: A1 Internet Connection Download Speed: 30 mbps Screen Size: 5.1" Screen Resolution: 1080x1920 Browser Resolution: 1080x1920 (disabled status bar) Date of Evaluation: 2017-04-17 Time of Evaluation: 19:20:00 Positive Impressions -------------------- o desktop mode switch There is an easy way to switch to desktop mode. Screenshot(s): Video clip: p01-mw-desktopmodeswitch.mp4 How reproducible?: button on top of every site (arrows) o easy language switch There is an easy way to switch the language to english/german. Screenshot(s): Video clip: p02-mw-languageswitch.mp4 How reproducible?: button on top of every site (EN/DE) o good studie overview There is a nice, clean and responsive overview of all the Bachelor and Master Studies. Screenshot(s): p03-mw-niceoverview.png Video clip: How reproducible?: Hauptmenü -> Studium -> Überblick Studienangebot o professional pictures There professional pictures all over the website. Screenshot(s): p04-mw-nicepictures.png Video clip: How reproducible?: Hauptmenü -> Studium -> Studieren an der TU Graz Problems -------- o too long menue The menue is way too long for using it on the Smartphone. Screenshot(s): Video clip: n01-mw-longmenue.mp4 Heuristic: Aesthetic and Minimalist Design How reproducible?: Hauptmenü o too many links There are too many ways to come from one point of the website to another. (confusing) Screenshot(s): Video clip: n02-mw-toomanylinks.mp4 Heuristic: Aesthetic and Minimalist Design How reproducible?: Hauptmenü -> Leitbild Hauptmenü -> Überblick Universität -> Leitbild Hauptmenü -> Überblick Universität -> Leitbild (picture) o responsive bug After searching in the searchbar and going back to the website the menue was not responsive anymore. Screenshot(s): Video clip: n03-mw-responsivebug.mp4 Heuristic: Aesthetic and Minimalist Design How reproducible?: first search, then -> Hauptmenü o too much text On some sites is too much text. On the smartphone you have to scroll down for a very long time. Screenshot(s): Video clip: n04-mw-toomuchtext.mp4 Heuristic: Aesthetic and Minimalist Design How reproducible?: Hauptmenü -> Unternehmensbeteiligungen o not every site is responsive Some sites are not responsive on the smartphone. Screenshot(s): Video clip: n05-mw-notresponsive.mp4 Heuristic: Aesthetic and Minimalist Design How reproducible?: Hauptmenü -> Unternehmensbeteiligungen o not responsive searchbar The search function is not responsive on the smartphone. Screenshot(s): n06-mw-searchnotresponsive.png Video clip: Heuristic: Consistency How reproducible?: search button on top of every site o search result not responsive If you click on a link after the search, the relut is also not responsive. Screenshot(s): n07-mw-aftersearchnotresponsive.png Video clip: Heuristic: Consistency How reproducible?: search button -> result o registration field not responsive The registration site for the university is not responsive on the smartphone. Screenshot(s): n08-mw-registrationnotresponsive.png Video clip: Heuristic: Aesthetic and Minimalist Design How reproducible?: Hauptmenü -> Studium -> Studieren an der TU Graz -> Anmeldung und Zulassung -> Account erstellen o no mail validation If you enter a mail address into the feedback, the system is not validating if the mail is wrong. Screenshot(s): Video clip: n09-mw-feedbackmail.mp4 Heuristic: Error Prevention How reproducible?: Hauptmenü -> Feedback o html mistake In the news section, there is a mistake in the html file. ( TU Graz -> Services -> News+Stories -> Übersicht