Evaluator: Paul Ganster Age: 21 Sex: Male Device: XMG P505 Operating System and Version: Ubuntu 16.04 Web Browser and Version: Chrome Version 57.0.2987.110 Ad Blocker: uBlock Origin v1.11.4 Internet Connection Type: UPC Fiber Power Pack Medium Internet Connection Download Speed: 75 mbps Screen Size: 15" Screen Resolution: 1920x1080 Browser Resolution: 1920x735 Date of Evaluation: 2017-04-14 Time of Evaluation: 12:01:00 Positive Impressions -------------------- o The date is validated if it is entered correctly In the enrollment form validates the date to prevent any errors. Screenshot(s): p01-pg-validate.png Video clip: How reproducible?: In the top menu bar, click on TUGraz -> Studium -> Angebot und Zulassung -> Erstmalig zum Studium anmelden -> Voranmeldung then enter a invalid date. o Straightforward overview of available studies If you want to browse available studies it is pretty straightforward and you can get a fast overview over all avaiable studies. Screenshot(s): Video clip: p02-pg-clearstudyoverview.mp4 How reproducible?: In the top menu bar, click on TUGraz -> Studiumangebot o Clear and beautiful information categorization The tile design provides not only a clear information seperation (deadlines, links etc.) but also presents this information in an asthetic design. Screenshot(s): p03-pg-tiledesign.png Video clip: How reproducible?: In the top menu bar, click on TUGraz -> Masterstudien -> any study Problems -------- o Slow Main Menu It took full 5 seconds from page load to actually show the main menu items the TUGraz logo is supposed to display. This is not due to slow internet connection but rather due to bad design. Screenshot(s): Video clip: n01-pg-slowmenu.mp4 Heuristic: Feedback How reproducible?: Visit the main page, simply call tugraz.at o Invisible arrow When hovering over a main menu entry the arrow turns black and depending on the menu content turns invisible. Screenshot(s): n02-pg-invinsiblearrow.png Video clip: Heuristic: - How reproducible?: Hover over a menu item with a dark content. o Slow menu close When accidently clicking a menu entry and by clicking on the menu entry again to close it the closing process takes 2 seconds. Screenshot(s): Video clip: n03-pg-slowmenuclose.mp4 Heuristic: Feedback How reproducible?: Click on a menu botton of the top menu bar and click on it again after it has opened o Inconsistent Design The search page is missing the menu bar, footer etc. the main page uses. If the URL wouldn't be a subdomain of tugraz.at you would think that you have been redirected to a scammer site. Screenshot(s): n04-pg-incosistentdesign.png Video clip: Heuristic: Consistency How reproducible?: Click on magnifying glass in the top menu bar o Wrong language After clicking on "Suchtipps" one would expect a german page with either the design of the actual main TUGraz page or at least the same design as the search page. But it is another different deisgn and it is only provided in English (As indicated in the first paragraph of this page). Also the favicon is missing. Screenshot(s): n05-pg-englishpage.png Video clip: Heuristic: Consistency How reproducible?: Click on magnifying glass in the top menu bar, click on "Suchtipps" on the next page. o Tile Content continuing in different tile The whole tile design of has the purpose to categorize each information part into a small chuncks that are not related to each other. (E.g. contact info vs study course info). But for external evaluations this tile design is simply used to continue the information paragraph which is kind of confusinhg. Screenshot(s): n06-pg-unclearcontent.png Video clip: Heuristic: Consistency How reproducible?: In the top menu bar, click on TUGraz -> Qualitätsmanagement and then scroll to the bottom. o Contradicting content On the same page contradicting content is shown. On the left side the side claims that especially gender won't play a role for being picked for the job, but on the right side the side claims that you will be more likely picked if you are a woman. Screenshot(s): n07-pg-contradictingcontent.png Video clip: Heuristic: - How reproducible?: In the top menu bar, click on TUGraz -> Offene Stellen and under the tile "Neues Jobportal der TU Graz" click the link "Ausgeschriebene nicht- wissenschaftliche Stellen" o Unclear content When wanting to search for job offers for non science jobs you are at first greeted by a philosophy and a link to ACTUAL science jobs and if you want to find the actual non-science job offers you have to scroll to the bottom. Screenshot(s): Video clip: n08-pg-unclearcontent.mp4 Heuristic: Aesthetic and Minimalist Design How reproducible?: In the top menu bar, click on TUGraz -> Offene Stellen and under the tile "Neues Jobportal der TU Graz" click the link "Ausgeschriebene nicht- wissenschaftliche Stellen" o No direct inscription link If you have decided to start a study at the TU Graz and want to inscribe to a study you won't immediatly find something like a inscription menu point. Screenshot(s): n09-pg-noinscription.png Video clip: Heuristic: Aesthetic and Minimalistic Design How reproducible?: In the top menu bar, click on TUGraz -> Studium and you can't find something like that here. o Inconsistent design for enrollment page After being redirected to the enrollment page you encounter a page that has a completely different design than the other pages you have visited. If it wasn't a subdomain of tugraz.at you wouldn't want to enter personal information in fear of scammer. Screenshot(s): n10-pg-inconsistentenrollmentdesign.png Video clip: Heuristic: Consistency How reproducible?: In the top menu bar, click on TUGraz -> Studium -> Angebot und Zulassung -> Erstmalig zum Studium anmelden -> Voranmeldung o Long way to enrollment page If you already have decided for a study and just want to enroll to this study and fill out all online forms required for that you have to go a long way to actually reach this form Screenshot(s): Video clip: n11-pg-longwaytoenrollment.mp4 Heuristic: Aesthetic and Minimalistic Design How reproducible?: In the top menu bar, click on TUGraz -> Studium -> Angebot und Zulassung -> Erstmalig zum Studium anmelden -> Voranmeldung o Valid mail address is invalid According to the RFC 3696 standard (https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3696) defining what mail addresses are valid, following address is valid "_somename@example.com". But it is marked as invalid in the form. Screenshot(s): n12-pg-validmailisinvalid.png Video clip: Heuristic: Error Prevention How reproducible?: In the top menu bar, click on TUGraz -> Studium -> Angebot und Zulassung -> Erstmalig zum Studium anmelden -> Voranmeldung then enter "_somename@example.com". o Only hard to remember Username/Password choosable Username can't contain your own name which is ridiculous as it doesn't provide any means of security. Also the password restrictions make it very hard to make a password rememberable. Screenshot(s): n13-pg-complexpassword.png Video clip: Heuristic: - How reproducible?: After validating your mail after completing the enrollment form (In the top menu bar, click on TUGraz -> Studium -> Angebot und Zulassung -> Erstmalig zum Studium anmelden -> Voranmeldung) you receive a mail with a link to this new form o Information about organisation structure not in tiles We are used by the side that information is in tiles but instead only the links are in tiles and information about each subcategory is compressed on the left side whilst leaving the right part empty. Screenshot(s): n14-pg-informationnotintiles.png Video clip: Heuristic: Consistency How reproducible?: In the top menu click TU Graz -> Organisationsstruktur o Cut-off menu entry that is not cut-off The ellipsis after the last top menu entry "Information für ..." creates the impression that the menu entry is cut-off but it isn't actually. Badly chosen menu entry name. Screenshot(s): n15-pg-unusualmenuname.png Video clip: Heuristic: - How reproducible?: In the open top menu the last menu entry at the right side.