Evaluator: Nicole Krämer Age: 23 Sex: female Device: ASUS VivoBook OS and Version: Linux Mint 19.1 tessa Screen Size: 15.6" Screen Resolution: 1920x1080 Web Browser and Version: Mozilla Firefox 75.0 Ad Blocker: AdBlock Plus Internet Connection: A1 Download Speed: 39mbps Browser Resolution: 1920x938 Date of Evaluation: 12.09.2020 Time of Evaluation: 18:30 - 21:00 Positive Findings ----------------- o Journey on start page Put journey on start pages will show you your often needed connections on the startpage of the ticket site. Video clip: p-nk-pc-journey-startpage.mp4 How reproducible?: On ticket site (tickets.oebb.at) select your journey → click "put on start page" → choose preferences → click on "next" o Journey preview Journey previes informs you of all trains planned to use and on which platforms they will be leaving and arriving. Video clip: p-nk-pc-journey-preview.mp4 How reproducible?: On ticket site (tickets.oebb.at) select your journey → click on "journey preview" (buttun at the bottom of the window) o Print journey preview Print option for the journey preview. Comfortable and useful feature. Video clip: p-nk-pc-print-journey-preview.mp4 How reproducible?: On ticket site (tickets.oebb.at) select your journey → click on "journey preview" (button at the bottom of the window) → click on "print" at the top of the page Problems -------- o "Book ticket now" does not pre-select ticket-type. If on a specific information site regarding a ticket-type (for example ÖBB Plus or Einfach-Raus-Ticket) this type is not selected when continuing by "Book ticket now" button. Video clip: n-nk-pc-book-ticket-selection.mp4 Heuristic: How reproducible?: specific information site regarding a ticket-type → "Book ticket now" button. o Placement of "next" button In the procedure of buying a ticket the button to continue is not placed clearly visible. Video clip: n-nk-pc-placement-next-button.mp4 Heuristic: A06 Recognition Rather than recall How reproducible?: On ticket site (tickets.oebb.at) select your journey → click on "add to basket" o Einfach-Raus-Radticket - adding bicycles leads to error message [Also on phone] Under "Who is Going" the Einfach-Raus-Radticket offers the option to add bicycles. It is unclear if bicycles are already included or need to be added there. Adding leads to an error message. Video clip: n-nk-pc-unclear-add-bicycles-radticket.mp4 Heuristic: A05 Error Prevention How reproducible?: Ticket store → Einfach-Raus-Radticket → "Who is Going" → add bicycles → click on "next" o Einfach-Raus-Radticket - error message Follow-up on "Einfach-Raus-Radticket - adding bicycles leads to error message" The displayed error message is not suggesting a solution to the problem. Video clip: n-nk-pc-errormessage-bicycles-radticket.mp4 Heuristic: A09 Good Error Messages How reproducible?: Ticket store → Einfach-Raus-Radticket → "Who is Going" → add bicycles → click on "next" o FAQ and payment methods only in german [also on phone] FAQ and payment methods of the ticket site only available in german. Answers to frequent questions should be offered in english too. Video clip: n-nk-pc-no-english-faq.mp4 Heuristic: A10 Help and documentation How reproducible?: homepage of the ticket site (tickets.oebb.at) → open top left menu o Picture with german text Current restrictions site shows a picture with german text on it. Picture for english users irrelevant. Video clip: n-nk-pc-german-picture.mp4 Heuristic: A08 Aesthetic and minimalist design How reproducible?: Homepage → current restrictions o Homepage - missing link - feedback Missing link in one of the dropdown menus of the homepage. Link to Feedback not working. Video clip: n-nk-pc-missing-link.mp4 Heuristic: How reproducible?: Homepage → travel planning and services → choose "after your journey" from the dropdown menu → click on "Feedback" o Homepage - wrong link - station information [also on phone] Station information link on homepage shows a page about the ÖBB app for smartphone. Video clip: n-nk-pc-station-information-link.mp4 Heuristic: How reproducible?: Homepage → station information o Feedback form - misleading question The Question "Are you happy with the service you have received from us?" only has otions to participate or not participate in a survey. Misleading question. Video clip: n-nk-pc-feedback-misleading-question.mp4 Heuristic: How reproducible?: Homepage → travel planning and services → ÖBB customer service → complaint, praise and ideas → take necessary steps of the form and select "I want an answer" o Error - Airport preselected Error message is displayed when trying to look up connection to airport in a certain way. This message shows up from now on on different kinds of input until it is closed and opened again. Video clip: n-nk-pc-airport-error.mp4 Heuristic: How reproducible?: Homepage → regional offers → styria → airport shuttle → select station and change time → search connection (https://fahrplan.oebb.at/bin/query.exe/en?to=Graz%20Airport) o Error Message - Airport Error message is displayed when trying to look up connection to airport in a certain way. Video clip: n-nk-pc-airport-error-message.mp4 Heuristic: A02 Speak the users language / A09 Good error messages How reproducible?: Homepage → regional offers → styria → airport shuttle → select station and change time → search connection (https://fahrplan.oebb.at/bin/query.exe/en?to=Graz%20Airport) o Traffic Information On the traffic information site there is no indicator of how many problems there are in each category. Video clip: n-nk-pc-traffic-information.mp4 Heuristic: How reproducible?: Homepage → route information