Mobile Evaluation Log ================= Evaluator: Emil Winterleitner Age: 21 Gender: Male Device: iPhone 7 OS and Version: iOS 14.4 Screen Size: 4.7 inch Screen Resolution: 1334 × 750 Web Browser and Version: Google Chrome 87.0.4280.77 Ad Blocker: None Internet Connection: WiFi Download Speed: 106.58 Mbps Browser Resolution: 750 x 1334 Date of Evaluation: 2021/03/30 Time of Evaluation: 3 p.m. Negative Findings (Problems) ----------------- o EW-Mob-Neg01 Title: Subpage links Description: Subpage dropdown cannot be 'unclicked' For the subpage dropdown to disappear, one has to click on an empty spot on the webpage. The same button where the dropdown is shown can not be used for that. Video Clip: ew-mob-neg01-our_websites_dropdown.mp4 Heuristic: How Reproducible?: Click on 'our websites' o EW-Mob-Neg02 Title: Watchlist send mail Description: Send mail is not visible by default. If one wants to send the watchlist by mail, one has to click on 'show filters' for the option to be visible. Video Clip: ew-mob-neg02-watchlist_send_mail.mp4 Heuristic: How Reproducible?: Check the watchlist on mobile devices. o EW-Mob-Neg03 Title: Watchlist send invalid mail Description: Invalid mail addresses lead to redirection to same page If one wants to send the watchlist to an invalid mail, the browser redirects the user to the same page in a new tab. No error is shown. Video Clip: ew-mob-neg03-watchlist_send_mail_invalid.mp4 Heuristic: A09 Good Error Messages How Reproducible?: Check the watchlist on mobile devices, click on show filter and then send to an invalid mail. o EW-Mob-Neg04 Title: Menu entry dropdown Description: The dropdown for the menu entries acts weirdly One cannot collapse the dropdown of a menu entry the first time. Video Clip: ew-mob-neg04-menu_entry.mp4 Heuristic: How Reproducible?: Click on a menu entry and then try to collapse it. o EW-Mob-Neg05 Title: Good to know Description: Good to know menu which is not a menu In the good to know section there is a part that looks like a menu but it is not clickable. Video Clip: ew-mob-neg05-good_to_know.mp4 Heuristic: How Reproducible?: On the main page click on good to know. o EW-Mob-Neg06 [Corresponds to EW-PC-Neg05] Title: Translation Description: The imprint and data protection links are not properly translated across the site If one scrolls to the bottom of the (sub)page, the links to imprint and data protection are sometimes either missing or not translated to english. Video Clip: ew-mob-neg06-imprint_translation.mp4 Heuristic: A04 Consistency How Reproducible?: Scroll to the bottom of the page o EW-Mob-Neg07 [Corresponds to EW-PC-Neg10] Title: On site search Description: On site search only searches current website If one wants to search Christmas related topics on the main page he will not find the desired results. Video Clip: ew-mob-neg07-search.mp4 Heuristic: A10 Help and Documentation How Reproducible?: Search a Christmas topic on the main page o EW-Mob-Neg08 [Corresponds to EW-PC-Neg18] Title: Missing price information Description: The price for suggested programs is not shown Although the price is mentioned it is not shown for the suggested programs. Video Clip: ew-mob-neg08-missing_price.mp4 Heuristic: How Reproducible?: Look for Programme suggestions on the Groups subpage. o EW-Mob-Neg09 [Corresponds to EW-PC-Neg17] Title: Missing links to subpages Description: One cannot freely navigate through all websites Sometimes the links to the other webpages are missing. One has to go back to the main page to visit another subpage. Video Clip: ew-mob-neg09-subpage_redirect.mp4 Heuristic: A04 Consistency How Reproducible?: Click on the 'Our Websites' button on a subpage. o EW-Mob-Neg10 Title: Map Description: The map is not mobile optimised When using the map on a mobile device one notices that the map is not optimitzed for mobile usage. Video Clip: ew-mob-neg10-map.mp4 Heuristic: How Reproducible?: Play with a map on the webpage. o EW-Mob-Neg11 [Corresponds to EW-PC-Neg19] Title: Slow response Description: Long loading time for the Events at Christmas tab When clicking on the mentioned tab on the Christmas website, the page takes rather long to load. Video Clip: ew-mob-neg11-events_at_christmas.mp4 Heuristic: A01 Feedback How Reproducible?: Click the Event on Christmas tab on the Christmas subpage. o EW-Mob-Neg12 Title: Watchlist map Description: When clicking on the map for an empty watchlist, a blue map appears. The button for the map is not disabled when the watchlist is empty. A blue map appears instead. Video Clip: ew-mob-neg12-watchlist_map.mp4 Heuristic: A05 Error Prevention How Reproducible?: Click the 'open map' button with an empty watchlist. Positive Findings ----------------- o EW-Mob-Pos01 Title: Home button Description: Home button redirects to same website When clicking on the home button on mobile, the user is redirected to the same website. On PC the user was redirected to the main page. Video Clip: ew-mob-pos01-home_button.mp4 How Reproducible?: Click on the home button. o EW-Mob-Pos02 Title: Icons Description: Expand / Collapse icons size The size for the + and - (expand / collapse) icons is the same size. Video Clip: ew-mob-pos02-icons.mp4 How Reproducible?: Click on a menu entry to expand / collapse it. o EW-Mob-Pos03 Title: Live chat Description: Live chat is just an overlay If one clicks on the live chat by accident, one can just close it and the same page as before is still open. Video Clip: ew-mob-pos03-chat.mp4 How Reproducible?: Click on the live chat icon.