Evaluation Log ============== Evaluator: Alexander Niederreiter Age: 22 Gender: male Device: Lenovo Ideapad3 Gen 7 OS and Version: Windows 10 Screen Size: 14″ Screen Resolution: 1920×1080 Web Browser and Version: Google Chrome Ad Blocker: none Internet Connection: Wi-Fi Download Speed: 210 mbps Screen Recording Software: OBS Studio Recording Resolution: 1920×1080 Date of Evaluation: 2023-04-01 Time of Evaluation: 15:00-16:00 Negative Findings (Problems) ----------------- o AN-Neg01 Title: Too much information Description: Right when you visit the website, the user instantly gets overwhelmed with a lot of information which could easily be content of a separate page/menu. These information tiles are always on the screen no matter on what part of the website the user currently is. Video clip: an-neg01-too-much-information.mp4 Heuristic: A08 Aesthetic and Minimalist Design Only When: always How reproducible?: always o AN-Neg02 Title: Unclear functionalities on certain buttons Description: The website offers some supportive functions like scrolling back to the top or showing the last visited items. The problem is that it is not clear what the buttons do from the start, you have to hover over them with the cursor for example. Video clip: an-neg02-unclear-functionalities.mp4 Heuristic: A07 Flexibility and Efficiency of Use Only When: Using said functionalities How reproducible?: always o AN-Neg03 Title: Finding help/documentations Description: I tried to look for help on how the website functions and some documentations about shipping costs or terms of conditions but it took me quite a while to find them. They were in the middle to bottom of the webpage and were not clearly visible. Video clip: an-neg03-find-help-documentation.mp4 an-neg03-solution.mp4 Heuristic: A10 Flexibility and Efficiency of Use Only When: explicitly searching for help How reproducible?: always o AN-Neg04 Title: Description Videos don't support all languages Description: The website offers description videos to every item but if you choose the website in English not every video is also available in English. Video clip: an-neg04-videos-dont-support-languages.mp4 Heuristic: A02 Speak the Users Language, A04 Consistency Only When: only on certain items of the store How reproducible?: always o AN-Neg05 Title: Some unclear websites sorting functionalities Description: The website offers some functionalities to sort the results of a search request. But on first sight it is not clear what most of them do. Video clip: an-neg05-weird-sorting.mp4 Heuristic: A07 Flexibility and Efficiency of Use Only When: looking at items after a search or sort request was issued How reproducible?: always o AN-Neg06 Title: Unclear account creation Description: When creating an account for the website: after inserting the user information when you press the confirmation button, the user doesn't get any kind of feedback at all if the account was created or not. If the user then tries to press that button again. It says: "an account was already created" Video clip: an-neg06-account-bug.mp4 Heuristic: A01 Feedback, A05 Error Prevention Only When: creating an account How reproducible?: only once when creating the account o AN-Neg07 Title: Main-Menu bug Description: For most categories, the main menu stays in the correct state. For example if I take a look at weight benches the menu stays in the state and highlights "Strength training" and "Weight benches", but if I visit the balance and coordination category, the menu switches back and highlights another category. Video clip: an-neg07-main-menu-bug.mp4 Heuristic: A07 Flexibility and Efficiency of Use Only When: using the main menu to navigate through the website How reproducible?: always on certain categories o AN-Neg08 Title: Sorting bug Description: If a category for example has 50 products the user can choose how many of them should be shown on a page. The default value is 15 but if the user tries to change the value to 30 the website reloads but still shows 15 items instead of the wanted 30. Video clip: an-neg08-sorting-bug.mp4 Heuristic: A05 Error Prevention Only When: when using the sorting functions How reproducible?: always o AN-Neg09 Title: No proof for ratings Description: The website shows the user the ratings of their store from certain websites like google my business or trusted shops. But the websites aren't actually linked there, so the user doesn't know whether the given information is actually true or not. Video clip: an-neg09-cant-proof-ratings.mp4 Heuristic: A01 Feedback Only When: checking the ratings How reproducible?: always o AN-Neg10 Title: Website not responsive Description: The website is not responsive anymore if I for example mess up my order and order way too much of a specific item. Video clip: an-neg10-website-not-responsive.mp4 Heuristic: A03 Reversible Action Only When: filling the shopping cart with a lot of items How reproducible?: always o AN-Neg11 Title: No check for correct input in input boxes Description: When going to the checkout section in the shopping cart where the user has to insert his personal data, not every input box has a check whether the input is actually viable or not. Video clip: an-neg11-input-box-check.mp4 Heuristic: A01 Feedback, A05 Error Prevention Only When: using the checkout section in the shopping cart How reproducible?: always o AN-Neg12 Title: No customizable cookies Description: When visiting the website for the first time the user gets the chance to alter the cookies but after further inspection I noticed that one can't actually change them separately. You can either accept or decline all of them. Video clip: an-neg12-no-customizable-cookies.mp4 Heuristic: A07 Flexibility and Efficiency of Use Only When: only at the first visit on the website How reproducible?: once (unless you clear cookies) Positive Findings ----------------- o AN-Pos01 Title: Description videos for every item Description: The website offers a short description video for their items. The videos offer some useful information like how the item should be used or some product details. Video clip: an-pos01-videos-for-items.mp4 How reproducible?: when choosing an item to take a closer look at them o AN-Pos02 Title: Easy to use shopping cart Description: The shopping cart and buying process are very easy to understand and straight forward. If the user makes a mistake by adding the wrong item or the wrong number of items this can easily be redone by pressing the button with the trashcan icon. Payment methods are clearly stated before starting the actual buying process. Contact information can be inserted easy and with no further problems. Video clip: an-pos02-easy-shopping-cart.mp4 How reproducible?: when the user uses the shopping cart o AN-Pos03 Title: Advanced searching function Description: The searching function of the website is very advanced and understand the user even if the user doesn't know the correct item name. For example when inserting "jumping" into the search bar the website shows the user some trampolines. Video clip: an-pos03-advanced-search.mp4 How reproducible?: when the user uses the search bar o AN-Pos04 Title: Advanced Contact-Us page Description: The contact-us page is very clear and straight forward as well. It has different sections like hotline or postal contact information and you can even fill in and send a message directly from the website. Video clip: an-pos04-contact-us.mp4 How reproducible?: when the user wants to contact sport-tiedje o AN-Pos05 Title: Realtime store visit Description: The website offers the function to visit a store on the website directly and virtually walk through them (like google maps, for example). Video clip: an-pos05-real-time-store-visit.mp4 How reproducible?: when choosing a certain store