Evaluation Log ============== Evaluator: David Bom Age: 35 Gender: male Device: PC (x86-64) OS and Version: NixOS 22.11 Screen Size: 24″ Screen Resolution: 2560x1440 Web Browser and Version: Firefox Ad Blocker: uBlock Origin Internet Connection: LAN + PtP radio Download Speed: Weather dependant Screen Recording Software: ffmpeg Recording Resolution: 1920x1080 Date of Evaluation: 2022-04-1 Time of Evaluation: 15:00-16:00 Negative Findings (Problems) ----------------- o DB-Neg01 Title: Form Data is Lost Description: Fill in form, click on terms and conditions, read, go back to form and *everything* you had filled in is lost!! Video clip: hr-neg01-form-data-lost.mp4 Heuristic: A03 Reversible Actions Only When: How reproducible?: Order Form → link “Terms and Conditions” o DB-Neg02 Title: Huge Ads Leave Little Space For Content Description: Without paying an account or using an ad blocker, most of the available space is taken up by ads. Video clip: hr-neg01-ads-leave-no-space.mp4 Heuristic: A08 Aesthetic and Minimalist Design Only When: How reproducible?: Disable ad blocker, launch site o DB-Neg03 ... etc. Positive Findings ----------------- o DB-Pos01 Title: Professional Photos Description: Nice professional photos of every bouquet and arrangement. Makes you want to purchase. Video clip: hr-pos01-nice-photos.mp4 How reproducible?: List/Details → Flowers o DB-Pos02 ... etc.