Mobile Evaluation Log ===================== Evaluator: Mario Knezevic Age: 22 Gender: male Device: ASUS VivoBook S14 S433UA-AM223 OS and Version: Linux Mint 20.2 Cinnamon Screen Size: 14" Screen Resolution: 1920x1080 Web Browser and Version: Firefox 111.0 64Bit Ad Blocker and Version: AdblockPlus Internet Connection: WiFi Download Speed: 75Mbps Screen Recording Software: OBS Studio 29.0.2 Recording Resolution: 1920x1080 Planned Date of Evaluation: 2023-04-14 Negative Findings (Problems) ----------------- o MK-Neg01 Title: no return from pluscard to service Description: If the user clicks on the "PLUSCARD" picture in the service tab the user gets redirected to the PLUSCARD section but can't go back to the service section. Instead the user has to select the service section in the drop down menu again. Video Clip: mk-neg01-services-pluscard.mp4 Heuristic: A03 Reversible Actions How Reproducible?: Mehr K&Ö -> Services -> Pluscard image o MK-Neg02 Title: filter reset Description: When using the filter feature you have to use one filter after another. It is not possible to apply all filters at the same time. Video Clip: mk-neg02-filter-reset.mp4 Heuristic: A08 Aesthetic and Minimalist Design How Reproducible?: Try to apply filters o MK-Neg03 Title: Different meaning of same action Description: It is possible to open a category by clicking on the name. When trying to close it again by clicking on the name the user gets redirected instead. This can be misleading. Video Clip: mk-neg03-category.mp4 Heuristic: A04 Consistency How Reproducible?: Click twice on one category name o MK-Neg04 Title: No feedback on filter use Description: When trying to apply a filter at the K&Ö Momente section there is no real feedback that the filter has been applied. Video Clip: mk-neg04-filter-feedback.mp4 Heuristic: A01 Feedback How Reproducible?: Mehr L&Ö -> K&Ö Momente -> apply filter o MK-Neg05 Title: email address not linked Description: While on the other parts of the website the email addresses are all clickable, the ones in the Presse section are not. Video Clip: mk-neg05-email.mp4 Heuristic: A04 Consistency How Reproducible?: scroll down to the end -> Presse -> try to click email addresses o MK-Neg06 Title: bad visibility on map Description: When searching the nearest location to the one provided by the user, and then clicking on the locations, the popups overlap eachother. With that design its impossible to check the info of 2 nearby locations at the same time. Video Clip: mk-neg06-map.mp4 Heuristic: How Reproducible?: scroll down to the end -> Standorte / Häuser -> enter zip code 8010 -> open info of locations o MK-Neg07 Title: misleading country flags Description: At the bottom of the website there are different country flags, visualising the countries available for international shipping. The user might misinterpret this and maybe try to change the language by clicking the flags. Furthermore all this flags link to the same FAQ, so it is unnnecessary to display all of them. Video Clip: mk-neg07-country-flags.mp4 Heuristic: A02 Speak the Users’ Language How Reproducible?: scroll down to the bottom -> click one of the country flags o MK-Neg08 Title: misleading indication at reviews Description: When hovering over the displayed reviews there is some kind of indication that the reviews are clickable, but they are not. There is no reason to highlight the review when hovering over it. Video Clip: mk-neg08-reviews.mp4 Heuristic: A02 Speak the Users’ Language How Reproducible?: scroll down to the reviews -> hover over one review o MK-Neg09 Title: image - action not clear Description: When clicking on the image under the "Unsere Vorteile für Sie" text, the user gets redirected to the FAQ. This is not evident by just looking at the image. Video Clip: mk-neg09-faq-image.mp4 Heuristic: A02 Speak the Users’ Language How Reproducible?: scroll down to the "Unsere Vorteile für Sie" text-> click on the image below o MK-Neg10 Title: multiple same links Description: When trying to buy gift cards, "Guthabenabfrage" is linked three times on the same page. The other options are also linked twice. One link should be enough for all options. Video Clip: mk-neg10-gift-cards.mp4 Heuristic: A08 Aesthetic and Minimalist Design How Reproducible?: go to Geschenkkarte on the top Positive Findings ----------------- o MK-Pos01 Title: automatic adjustment of number of items Description: When trying to buy more pieces of one item, then there is in stock, the number gets adjusted automatically on checkout. A message stating that is displayed aswell. Video Clip: mk-pos01-checkout.mp4 How Reproducible?: Try to buy more pieces then available (works well with home accessories) o MK-Pos02 Title: shopping cart feedback Description: When adding an item to the shopping cart a pop up is displayed confirming that the item was added successfully. Video Clip: mk-pos02-shopping-cart-feedback.mp4 How Reproducible?: add item to shopping cart o MK-Pos03 Title: good support Description: There is a FAQ for almost every problem the user might have. Furthermore there are other support options aswell. Video Clip: mk-pos03-support.mp4 How Reproducible?: