Date: _______________     Time: _________           Test User ID: __________

Background Questionnaire

1. General Information

Gender: [  ] man    [  ] woman    [  ] non-binary    [  ] prefer not to disclose

[  ] prefer to self-describe, ____________________
Age: ____________
Occupation:   ________________________

2. Education

1. What is the highest level of education you have attained?

[  ] vocational training    [  ] secondary school    [  ] university degree    [  ] doctorate

2. If you are studying or have studied, please describe your main area of study:


3. Personal Computer Use

1. Which kind of personal computer do you use most?

[  ] None    [  ] Microsoft Windows    [  ] Apple Macintosh    [  ] Unix    [  ] other __________

2. How long have you been using a personal computer?

_____ years

3. How many hours per week do you use a personal computer?

_____ hours

4. Tablet Use

1. Which kind of tablet do you use most?

[  ] None    [  ] Android    [  ] Apple (iOS)    [  ] other __________

2. How long have you been using a tablet?

_____ years

3. How many hours per week do you use a tablet?

_____ hours

5. Smartphone Use

1. Which kind of smartphone do you use most?

[  ] None    [  ] Android    [  ] Apple (iOS)    [  ] other __________

2. How long have you been using a smartphone?

_____ years

3. How many hours per week do you use a smartphone?

_____ hours

6. Web Use

1. How many hours per week do you use the World Wide Web?

_____ hours

2. Which kind of device do you use most often to surf the web?

[  ] desktop computer    [  ] laptop    [  ] tablet
[  ] smartphone    [  ] other __________

3. What kind of internet connection do you normally use?

[  ] xDSL    [  ] cable modem    [  ] fibre optic
[  ] 3G mobile internet    [  ] 4G mobile internet    [  ] other __________

4. Which web browser do you normally use?

[  ] Chrome    [  ] Firefox    [  ] Safari    [  ] Edge    [  ] other __________

5. Do you have experience as a web site administrator?

If yes: _____ years

7. Domain-Specific Questions

1. How often do you use online shops?

[  ] often    [  ] sometimes    [  ] never

2. Did you use the website "" already before?

[  ] yes    [  ] no

3. What do you prefer more?

[  ] online shops    [  ] local shops

8. Experience with Usability Tests

1. Have you participated in a usability study before?

[  ] as a test user    [  ] as part of the test team

If yes, what kind of study was it?

[  ] Thinking Aloud    [  ] Formal Experiment    [  ] other __________