Person who takes photos at least occasionally. Has probably used computer and internet before, but does not have to be an expert.
Basicly anyone nowdays has these characteristics.
1. What does a fotopuzzle, size 30x40 cm cost?
- Is found from Preisliste, 212 ATS. Should be easy starting task
2. You have received this email from your friend. See what you can do with information it contains.
- Create album test with some nice pictures.
-Send "send a friend" email to yourself and print it, this email is given to test user.
- Test user hopefully goes to webalbum, logs in as a guest and go to see test album, then we stop task.
3. Create your own image album called "myalbum"
- First user will see that he/she needs to register.
- When starting registering, facilitator should tell that user does not need to use his/hers real information.
- After registering user needs to login and then go to Bildalbum
- There user can create album called "myalbum" by clicking "Neues album anlegen"
4. Get 3 pictures in that album
- Faciliatator should show directory where user can get pictures. (half of them jpg, half gif or other nonsupported format)
- First user needs to upload those pictures
- Then to go into Filmarchiv, and choose option "Indexprint anzeigen"
- After that user needs to succesfully use copy option (it is also possible that there is not 3 pictures, if some uploaded pictures were non jpeg)
- User should check his/hers album to see that there is 3 pictures
5. You are considering ordering something, but it seems this company does not send items by post. Try to find out nearest place you where you could go and get your item.
- This is difficult task. Information of dealers can only be found when confirming the order, not before.
- Probably user cannot complete this task, in this situation tell user "We knew this would be almost impossible task, let's continue, we will come back to this later"
6. Order two 30x45 cm pictures
- User needs to go to album, choose certain picture and press "Bestellen" link
- After that she/he chooses 30x45 from the list
- It is possible that user chose picture which size is not appropriate for 30x45cm picture and user needs to make confirmation about lower quality.
- User goes to Bestellung absenden (Hopefully through Warenkorb anzeigen to see what he/she is ordering)
- Task is stopped when user gets to a page where nearest dealers are located.
E. Change your password
- Changing data is found only from page after logging in
E. Rotate one of your pictures upsidedown
- Album bearbeiten, after changing picture user needs to save it (by using blue link) and after that check if picture is upsidedown
Tasks marked as E. will be processed if it seems after pilot test that there is not enough tasks.
Also after pilot test we set time limits for each task, so facilitator knows when he/she should intervene and help or even stop current task
and give next one (if some task starts to take too long).
Pilot is made with person who is not expert in using computer.
7. Design data sheets (for notes by observer).
Data sheet is found from file datasheet.html.
8. Design structured interview, 10 mins.
Interview is found from file interview.html.