Thinking Aloud Test Report

506.021 1KU Human-Computer Interaction WS 2001/2002

Group 2

Arto Paasovaara
Susanna Kivelä
Oliver Strasser
Michael Fussenegger

Usability test of the web site

Report of 13th December 2001

1. Executive Summary

Six test users performed Thinking aloud test to webbased photalbum system during 7.12.2001 - 8.12.2001. Their computer experience varied from 1 year to 18 years. This chapter provides insights to the results.

All users were able to perform most of the given tasks but were something having big problems. Also they did not find site very appealing because of the problems they encountered.

Most important recommendations for improving site's usability are:
-Simplify using albums and archive. Merge these pages or name them more descriptively. Make possible actions easier to find (for example users did not always see "Neues album anlegen"-link)
-Improve image uploading. Have only one way to upload images (the one without Java). Also it should be possible to choose where pictures are placed after uploading. Upload should probably just be one possible action in album pages and in this case it should load images to current album.
-Inform user more. Tell the user where he/she finds uploaded pictures. Tell the minimum length of the password (and username) in registration form. Provide examples with error messages. Check if there would be other events that would need more information to help the user.
-Make things clickable. Make headers of descriptions on first page links or get rid of them. Make pictures and texts under Anleitung links, or clarify layout so there is no need for Anleitung.
For more detailed recommendations, see chapter 8. List of Recommendations.

Most of the users thought the idea behind this web site is good.

2. Test Methodology

Target user group: Person who takes photos at least occasionally. Has probably used computer and internet before, but does not have to be an expert. Basicly anyone nowdays has these characteristics. Typical tasks include uploading images, and organising them into albums. Also registration is required once. Some might order items products.
Selection process: Because target population is almost anyone, easily available and cheap (free) test users were chosen from among friends.
Training provided: None
Thinking aloud demo: Demo was carried in Task was to find "Harry Potter"-book. Facilitator explained the basic consepts of thinking aloud.

Tasks, version 1 (for pilot user)
1. Check what does a fotopuzzle, size 30x40 cm cost?
2. You have received this email from your friend. See what you can do with information it contains.
- User got printed email where user was asked to login as a guest at to see his/her friends image album.
3. Two days after your friend's email you decide to do your own album at So go and create a new album there.
4. Get 3 pictures in the empty album you have.
5. You are considering ordering something, but it seems this company does not send items by post. Try to find out nearest place where you could go and get your items.
6. You want to order two pictures made from the pictures in your album. Order biggest possible size without quality loss.
E. Someone knows your password, go and change it
E. One of your pictures would look very nice if it would be upsidedown. Go and turn it upsidedown.

After pilot test tasks 5 and 6 were combined and simplified. Second extra task (flip picture) was removed. So the final tasks were:

Tasks, version 2 (for rest of the users)
1. Check what does a fotopuzzle, size 30x40 cm cost?
2. You have received this email from your friend. See what you can do with information it contains.
- User got printed email where user was asked to login as a guest at to see his/her friends image album.
3. Two days after your friend's email you decide to do your own album at So go and create a new album there.
- Before starting this task, facilitator closed previus browser and gave a new one to test user. This because of bug that occurred with pilot user (real login after guest login, video: 00:13:30).
4. Get 3 pictures in the empty album you have.
5. Order picture made from the pictures in your album. Check also where you can get your item.
6. Someone knows your password, go and change it

3. Test Environment

Hardware and software used in tests:

Web Browser Internet Explorer 5.0
Operating system Windows ME
Connection T1
Monitor Colours 32 bits
Monitor Resolution 1024x768
Monitor Size 17"
Mouse Logitech Cordless
Videocamera Canon G1000/G1500
Date of evaluation Pilot: 7.12.2001,
Other: 8.12.2001
Time of Evaluation Pilot: 19:00-20:00
Other: 14:30-18:30

Group did not have access to digital camera, so there is no photo about test environment. Instead there is picture of it:

Test environment
Figure 3:Test environment

4. Overview of the Test Users

One extra test user were taken because microphone were accidentally off in session TP2. Session TP2 were stored because there was some good points in the session.

Test User TP0 (Pilot) TP1 TP2 TP3 TP4 TP5
Date of Test 7.12.2001 8.12.2001 8.12.2001 8.12.2001 8.12.2001 8.12.2001
Time of Test 19:00-20:00 14:30-15:15 15:20-16:10 16:20-17:00 17:05-18:00 18:00-18:35
General Information
Name Martin Stefan Harald Michael Karla Christopher
Sex male male male male female male
Age 26 23 25 27 23 21
Education Sec. school, Chemistry Sec. school, Computer eng. Sec. school, Medicin Sec. school, Computer eng. Sec. school, Pharmacy Sec. school, History, German, Philosophy
Experience with Computers
Used PC 18 years 11 years 1 year 10 years 2 years 5 years
Hours per week 20 50 5 4 2 10
Computer normally used Windows Windows/Unix Windows Windows/Unix Windows Windows
Experience with Internet and the Web
Emails received/sent per week 30/10 30/28 10/10 30/10 20/20 2/2
Web hours per week 10 10-15 3 2 2 1
Web Browser IE NN IE IE/Opera IE IE
Webmaster experience none 4 years none 2 years none none
Application spesific questions
Uses dig. (video)cameras few times few times few times often few times often
Registered to Web Service yes yes no yes yes yes
Edited digital images often few times few times few times never never

5. Test Protocol

Chronological protocol of events during the test.

TnB = Task n begins, TnE = Task n ends

Event Description
TP0 (Pilot), German
Comment: Problems with the camera: after certain time the camera went to stand by, so there are several "blackouts" on session TP0
00:05:50 T1B  
00:06:40 T1E  
00:06:50 T2B  
00:09:05 T2E  
00:09:15 T3B  
00:10:25 Password too short Recommendation 3
00:10:45 Username already in use  
00:X:X User forgot his password  
00:13:30 Problems because logged in after first logging as a guest Bug, not critical in normal use
00:13:50 Internal server error, probably because of guest login&real login  
00:16:15 User tries to click descriptive images on album page Recommendation 4
00:16:20 Does not see "Neues album anlegen"-link Recommendation 1
00:16:35 T3E  
00:16:45 T4B  
00:17:45 User tries to drag and drop pictures from Windows Explorer to upload interface See 6. Analysis and discussion
00:19:35 Login again  
00:19:50 Tries to find copying from album anzeigen Recommendation 1
00:20:15 Tries uploading again  
00:25:30 T4E  
00:25:40 T5B  
00:26:10 Consulting Info (not Hilfe...) Recommendation 7
00:26:30 Now in Hilfe  
00:29:10 T5E  
00:29:20 T6B  
00:29:40 User tries every possible picture size to see which comes without quality loss Task needs little adjusting
00:31:00 T6E  
00:31:10 T7B  
00:32:10 "I have to look everywhere" (for changing password) Recommendation 5
00:33:25 T7E (Task failed)  
00:33:30 T8B  
00:33:50 Mysteriously pictures in the album have been disappeared. Reason not found  
00:36:20 T8E  
TP1 (Test User 1), English
Comment: Only session with English Thinking Aloud & Interviews. Tasks has been changed after TP0
00:48:35 T1B  
00:49:10 "I can't click on that" (Texts on first page) Recommendation 4
00:49:45 "They should put Euros here" (Preisliste)  
00:49:45 T1E  
00:50:05 T2B  
00:51:45 T2E  
00:52:00 T3B  
00:xx:xx T3E  
00:xx:xx T4B  
00:55:34 "This is irritating" (Java security Window on Image upload)  
00:56:40 "Do you want to debug"-messagebox  
00:57:50 Tries to find uploaded pictures from photoalbum Recommendation 1
00:58:25 "Why this is different" (Different upload interface) Recommendation 2
00:59:10 "Where are they?" (looking for uploaded pictures) Recommendation 3
01:00:55 "I don't want to read this stuff" (Album bearbeiten)  
01:02:00 T4E  
01:02:15 T5B  
01:04:02 "I can lose a bit of quality" (After trying to find picture without quality loss)  
01:04:30 "No idea where I could get those pictures" (No delivery info shown yet) Recommendation 3
01:05:50 Order form give many error messages same time  
01:06:30 "You want to know everything before I get to know where I can get it" (Still no info where items will be delivered)  
01:06:45 T5E  
01:07:30 T6B  
01:08:10 Checking Hilfe and Info (for info about changing account information) Recommendation 5
01:08:45 Tries searching Hilfe with Browser's find, but no information about changing account information Recommendation 7
01:09:10 "Are you sure I can change them"  
01:09:50 T5E  
TP2 (Test User 2), German
Comment: By accident microphone is off, so no voise in this session
01:26:05 T1B  
01:27:10 T1E  
01:28:20 T2B  
01:30:45 T2E  
01:31:00 T3B  
01:33:25 Too short password Recommendation 3
01:33:30 User thinks there is still problem with password, problem is actually in username (name for username is not consistent) Consistency problem
01:39:00 T3E  
01:39:15 T4B  
01:39:xx Trying to find image upload from Album bearbeitung Recommendation 2
01:45:10 After Java security warning goes away from image upload (uncertain) Recommendation 2
01:47:00 User helped (with upload)  
01:47:15 Problems with uploading (User thought browse button is not right action) Recommendation 2
01:50:00 T4E (Task failed, time limit)  
01:50:45 T5B  
01:55:20 T5E  
01:55:30 T6B  
01:56:xx Checks Hilfe,Info and Anmeldung for account info changes, no help found Recommendation 7
01:59:15 T6E (Task failed)  
TP3 (Test User 3) 2:05:40, German
02:10:35 T1B  
02:11:45 Went to price list, for some reason went back before finding price for fotopuzzle  
02:13:00 T1E  
02:13:15 T2B  
02:14:35 T2E  
02:14:45 T3B  
02:15:40 Password too short Recommendation 3
02:17:00 T3E  
02:17:10 T4B  
02:18:00 Ignored the Java Security window, clicked yes  
02:21:45 T4E  
02:21:55 T5B  
02:2x:xx Ignored quality loss message box, clicked ok  
02:23:55 User ordered actually 3 pictures  
02:25:00 T5E  
02:25:15 T6B  
02:26:xx User tries everything to find logout button, then place for changing password Recommendation 5
02:27:30 T6E  
TP4 (Test User 4) 2:33:30 , German
02:38:00 T1B  
02:38:19 Thinks that the texts on first page are links Recommendation 4
02:38:45 T1E  
02:39:00 T2B  
02:40:40 T2E  
02:40:50 T3B  
02:43:20 Password and password check are different  
02:38:00 Left @ from the email address, error message: "Not in right format" Recommendation 3
02:48:50 Clicking description images on album page Recommendation 4
02:50:50 T3E  
02:50:55 T4B  
02:38:00 Copying and pasting images from Windows Explorer See 6. Analysis and discussion
02:52:xx User tries everything  
02:54:55 Makes copy of the picture in Windows Explorer  
02:56:25 Second upload try  
02:56:40 "I have uploaded them but I don't know where" Recommendation 3
02:58.xx Hilfe helped (found film archive with it)  
03:00:35 T4E  
03:00:42 T5B  
03:00:45 First action: Hilfe  
03:04:50 T5E  
03:05:05 T6B  
03:08:05 User deleted album, wants to make a new account also (gets irritated?)  
03:09:20 T6E (Task failed)  
TP5 (Test User 5), German
03:19:30 T1B  
03:20:20 T1E  
03:20:30 T2B  
03:22:00 T2E  
03:22:10 T3B  
03:22:30 Tries to click texts (thinks as a links) Recommendation 4
03:23:10 Fills also optional fields in registration form but not email  
03:26:10 T3E  
03:26:20 T4B  
03:26:35 Tries to find image upload from album bearbeitung Recommendation 2
03:28:xx Uploads pictures one at the time  
03:29:30 "I do something different" and tries using right mouse button ("It never helped before")  
03:35:50 T4E  
03:34:10 T5B  
03:35:05 Problem because of popup windows (Window on the background: seems like clicking button does not do anymore anything) Recommendation 6
03:37:48 Went to loading page with browser's back-button = would never continue  
03:38:20 Help given: Popup windows are already opened  
03:40:27 T5E  
03:40:32 T6B  
03:41:10 T6E (User saw the link after logging in. Also user said that it is the place where he normally would search for it.)  

6. Analysis and Discussion

Thinking aloud tests showed some interface problems which irritated and confused test users. Many of the problems could be corrected with quite small effort, making much better usability. It seemed that many of the users had experienced web sites with similar user interfaces, so some of the task which were considered difficult when planning them were easily completed by test users. For example finding registration and registration itself.

Some parts of the interface were little intimidating to users. For example Java security window on image upload page. Also users were afraid to go further after ordering form (before nearest dealer). This is of course normal as users did not really want to order something but users should be informed of the following steps in the ordering process (inform user more).

Even after redefining some of the tasks after pilot user, there were some minor flaws in task definitions which may have caused some of the problems.
-In task 4 (upload images), user was given path to directory where to find pictures to upload. path was given in format "c:\directory\" which is not clear to every user. That probably caused some confusion with image upload.
-In task 2 (friends email) user got email from his/hers friend. There was straight link to guest login in email, but it could not used as email was printed. Users did not continue reading mail (at the end there is advice how to guest login without link), which caused slight confusion.

Main points found from interviews:

- Clear link for changing account information, it should also be mentioned in Hilfe (3)
- It is hard to find things you are searching for (like uploaded images) (2)
- There should be possibility to log out. (2)
- General idea is quite good (2)
- It would be good to have a cookie for automatic login
- Possibility to upload images straight to certain album would be very good (2)
- Not very professionally designed
- "After all it is ok"
- There should probably be some other name for uploading images
- Text is too small in Info and Help and at some places there is too much text
- "The pages does not explain itself" (Interface is not clear)
- Some symbols and texts looks like links
- Hilfe was quite helpful, even if some of the things were not found from there.
- There should be more detailed error messages in registration and examples (like what format email should be)
- If popup window is already open, it should be selected as current window when making action (so it would show it is working)

* Number in (brackets) shows number of users (more than 1) who thought this

7. Positive Impressions

Most of the test users thought the idea of this website was quite good. They were not able to point out anything especially positive. All test users were able to finish most of the tasks.

8. List of Recommendations

R1 Simplify using albums and archive

Severity: 3.5
TPs: TP0, TP1, minor with others also
Timestamps: 00:16:20 and 01:19:50 (TP0), 00:57:50 (TP1).

It was not clear to users what is the difference between album and archive and users were not able to predict what options would be found from each subpage. There are not many exact points in sessions when this happens, but this confused and hindered almost every test user.

Suggestion: Merge these pages or name them more descriptively. Make possible actions easier to find (for example users did not always see "Neues album anlegen"-link)


R2 Improve image uploading

Severity: 3.5
TPs: TP1, TP2, TP5
Timestamps: 00:55:34 and 00:58:25 (TP1), 01:39:xx and 01:45:10 and 01:47:15 (TP2), 03:26:35 (TP5).

Some users tried to find image upload from album pages, they did not recognise "Bilder uploaden", one even thought it was for uploading pictures from the web. Also Java security window coming when accessing upload page seem to be irritating, even confusing. Interviews showed also that there should be some kind of possibility to upload straight to a certain album.

Suggestion: Have only one way to upload images (the one without Java). Also it should be possible to choose where pictures are placed after uploading. Upload should probably just be one possible action in album pages and in this case it should load images to current album.

Bilder uploaden

R3 Inform user more

Severity: 3.5
TPs: TP0, TP1, TP2, TP3, TP4
Timestamps: 00:10:25 (TP0), 00:59:10 and 01:04:30 (TP1), 01:33:25 (TP2), 02:15:40 (TP3), 02:38:00 and 02:56:40 (TP4)

There where some cases where user would have needed some more information what to do next or how something should be done. Half of the test users provided too short password, one had problems with appropriate format of email address. The most important situation where users need to know what to do next is after uploading. No-one did not know where he/she would find the uploaded pictures.

Suggestion: Tell the user where he/she finds uploaded pictures. Tell the minimum length of the password (and username) in registration form. Provide examples with error messages. Check if there would be other events that would need more information to help the user.

After uploading

R4 Make things clickable

Severity: 3.25
TPs: TP0, TP1, TP4, TP5
Timestamps: 00:16:15 (TP0), 00:49:10 (TP1), 02:38:19 and 02:48:50 (TP4), 03:22:30 (TP5)

There are many pictures and texts, which users thought as links, including: headers of descriptive texts on first page and icon descriptions under "Anleitung" (Album and Archive).

Suggestion: Make headers of the descriptions on the first page links or get rid of them. Make pictures and texts in "Anleitung" links, or clarify layout so there is no need for "Anleitung".

Start page

R5 Better account managing

Severity: 3.0
TPs: TP0, TP1, (others also)
Timestamps: 00:32:10 (TP0), 01:08:10 (TP1)

Changing account information for example changing password is hard to find because it is only shown right after logging in. Also it is not mentioned in Hilfe how access account information. Registering should probably have its own link, users needed to think some before checking "Anmeldung" page. Some users also asked for a possibility to log out.

Suggestion: Link for Registering, Logout and Changing account information should be in the left frame (maybe as its own group).

There is link for changing account information

R6 Avoid popup-windows or improve them

Severity: 2.75
TPs: TP5 (some other also)
Timestamps: 03:35:05 (TP5)

If user opens a popup window and forgets to close it, and later tries to access same action again, it can seem that link is not working as popup window already exists in the background (and won't pop up).

Suggestion: Avoid using popup windows, keep events in the frameset. If it is not possible, make popup windows to pop up from background so user sees it is working.

Popup-windows as background processes

R7 Improved help

Severity: 2.5
TPs: TP0, TP1, TP2
Timestamps: 00:26:10 and 00:32:10 (TP0), 01:08:45 (TP1), 01:56:xx (TP2)

Difference between Hilfe and Info is unclear, some users tried to find help from Info. Also Help pages should cover every option or possibility shown on pages.

Suggestion: Change name of the "Info" to "Corporate Info" or similar so it would not be confused as a help. Cover all options on pages (changing account info, what is Film Id etc.)

Help page

9. Appendix

Background questionnaire is found from file backgr.html.

Consent form is found from file consent.html.

Template for Orientation script is found from file orient.html.

Data sheet (used by observers) is found from file datasheet.html.

Interview is found from file interview.html.

Abovementioned forms of each test session are delivered as hardcopy.