Thinking Aloud Test Report

Human-Computer Interaction SS 2023

Group G5-09

Daniel Scharf
Viola Brod
Alfred Sebernig
Mario Knezevic

Thinking Aloud Test of the Web Site

Report of 30th May 2023

1 Executive Summary

The thinking aloud tests happened on 24.05.23 and on 26.05.23 with each Test User taking up to 1 hour of time for the test. In general, 5 Test users were invited to the testing procedure and all informations of them, results and analysing of the test results can be found in this report. The tests were done as follows, the first step was to ask the users about their background, like their education, occupation, how long they have been using certain devices and so on. Then the facilitors explained the principle of such a Test and gave them the required training. With a cleared browser the tests users were given 5 Task to complete which included tasks any average user would do on the site, but also some more advanced tasks. While performing them they were Thinking out aloud, which was captured by an external camera, but also with a screen capture with a webcam and an microphone. After completing all tasks, the users were asked some general questions about the website and they had to fill out a feedback questionnaire. The screen captures got trans scripted with all important comments and events happening in the test. Also, each negative and positive finding got extracted to an external clip. In total the users found 17 negative and 5 positive findings which are further discussed later on. Many problems were found on the shopping basket page, most of the testers found a problem related to this page. Mainly the Pop Up which appears multiple times did annoy the users but there were also some problems with selecting the desired number of items, which is restricted to just 9. So if you want to order more than 9 for an special event you, as a user, have a hard time to order this amount of the same clothing. Also, they found some design issues, like the white spaces take up too much space and thus the list with items is very narrow, so they had to scroll a lot to get a good overview of the items. And even tho the websites respond very fast in the most situations, it doesn’t provide the best feedback, like on adding items to the shopping basket or when finishing the registration process, they encountered long loading times without any feedback. Overall, the test users liked the page, design wise but also how responsive and fast loading it was. The main problems and positive findings were afterwards rated by the facilitators and described in a more detailed way.

2 Introduction

The website that will be tested will be the website, of the in Graz based, Clothing shop Kastner & Öehler. User can browse the website for the products they are offering and also order them online. With this thinking aloud test we want to get insights of the thought process of different chosen users by letting them perform some prepared tasks.

3 Test Procedure

3.1 Test Methodology

The definition of a thinking aloud test is, that you ask several people from different user groups to use a specific system, for example a website on a specific device and while doing this they should speak out their thoughts loud while they are navigating through the interface. It depends on which interface or system you are willing to test but basically this test will be done as follows. First you recruit different users that fit your needs or skill level for the system to be tested, then you hand them out representative tasks to perform. And while they are working with the given tasks you just listen to their thoughts while doing so and write them down, or take a video or audio of the session. So this test doesn’t take a lot of time planning and it is really cost efficient, but you also get a lot of different opinions since you have many test users, maybe from different user groups. [Nie2012]

With the use of a thinking aloud test a users’ behaviour and interaction with a website can be observed and evaluated. In such a way the software programs or websites can be designed that the customers’ expectations are more satisfied. There are several advantages of such tests. One example would be the low cost since no experts and no special equipment is needed. Another one would be that spontaneous reactions are gathered from the test users. Even if the methodology is not followed correctly, valuable results can be gathered still. The maybe biggest advantage is that this method is easy to teach, so no specialists are required. One disadvantage would be that such tests are mostly created under laboratory and not authentic conditions. Since the test user has to think out loud, this can have an influence on the test users’ actions and increase the cognitive load. [Med2022]

3.2 User Profiles

Since is mainly an online store for fashion and clothing, it’s target group are people who are interested in buying new clothes and have a certain degree of fashion understanding. The product catalog of this online store includes clothing for children, men, women and additionally extra sections for certain groups such as the “Infected”-section, which mainly targets teenagers. Furthermore, the online store has sections for other products such as beauty products or things in the field of home and living to offer. Therefore, the site is trying to attract a very broad field of potential customers, which in general are very hard to group. One way of grouping these users, is after their own fashion understanding respectively their fashion sense and their reasoning for the site visit. People which are into fashion and beauty are more interested in finding new trendy clothes and products and are more selective in their choosing and therefore need more options of selection and filtering to get to the things which they have in mind. In contrast users, which are not really into fashion, want to get multiple recommendations of standard things so that they can search and compare which of the recommendations suits them best. But for all of them the main task is the searching and buying of products.

For testing, the main target user group should be a group of young adults who are experienced with online shopping and generally are comfortable navigating though websites on various platforms. Because of the past experience with different online shopping platforms they may experience things while performing tasks which is, in their eyes, better or worse than at other comparable websites. But since the website targets a wide range of user groups, also less experienced users should be considered to ensure a easy usage of the offered functions and the navigation through the website.

3.3 Test Users

For the selection process of the test users we mainly choose friends in the same range of age as the Falicators which are also currently attending a University. We had an even amount of men and women which all of them, some more, some less, the same experience with various online shops. And they also have a solid knowledge base on using Computers/Tables and Smartphones and the WWW in general.

Table 1 gives an overview of the test users who participated in the study. The mapping of real names to aliases is included in Appendix C.1. Scans of the original completed questionnaires are included in Appendix B.1.

Test User TP1 (Pilot) TP2 TP3 TP4 TP5
Alias “Sarah” “Josh” “Bruce” "Sylvia" “Phil”
Date of Test 24.05.23 24.05.23 24.05.23 26.05.23 26.05.23
Time of Test 14:00 15:00 16:30 18:00 19:00
Language of Test EN EN EN EN EN
General Information
Gender woman man man woman man
Age 22 23 23 25 22
Occupation Student Student Student Student Student
Sight Impairment
Sight Aid - glasses - - glasses
Colour Blindness - - - - -
Highest Secondary School Secondary School Secondary School University degree Secondary school
Degree Course Software Engineering Software Engineering Software Engineering Software Engineering Computer Science
Personal Computer Use
OS Windows Unix Unix Unix Windows
Years 12 12 14 15 13
h/week 50 80 30 50 40
Tablet Use
OS Android Android none iOS iOS
Years 4 8 - 5 2
h/week 8 5 - 2 6
Smartphone Use
OS Android Android Android iOS iOS
Years 14 10 10 10 10
h/week 30 20 5 28 16
Web Use
h/week 20 40 25 60 40
Device laptop laptop laptop smartphone laptop
Connection cable modem cable modem cable modem 5G mobile internet fibre optic
Browser Chrome Firefox Firefox Chrome Chrome
Web Admin (years) 0 8 4 0 0
Domain-Specific Questions
Online shop experience sometimes sometimes sometimes often sometimes no no no no yes
online/local shop local online online online local
Previous Usability Tests
As Test Person no yes no yes no
In Test Team no no no yes no
Type of Test Thinking Aloud - - Thinking Aloud -
Table 1: Overview of the test users.

3.4 Test Environment

The test room is shown in Figures 1a and 1b .

Test room, test user in front of PC
Figure 1a: Photo 1 of the test room.
Test room, test user in front of PC
Figure 1b: Photo 2 of the test room.

The tests were held on the 24th of May between 14:00 and 17:30 and on the 26th of May between 17:30 and 19:00.

The environment used for the thinking aloud tests is shown in Table 2.

Device Ideapad 5 Pro 16ACH6
OS and Version Windows 11 Home 64-bit v22H2 DE
Screen Size 15"
Screen Resolution 2560×1600
Web Browser and Version Firefox 112.0.2
Internet Connection WiFi
Download Speed 380 mbps
Screen Recording Software OBS Studio 28.0.1
Recording Resolution 1920×1080
Table 2: Environment used for the thinking aloud test.

The exact web browser version used for the tests is shown in Figure 2.

Screenshot of the Browser About Window
Figure 2: Browser version used for the tests.

For this test, all adblockers were disabled. The acceptance of cookies were left up to each test user, because users should act as they would when browsing this website privately, but it can also be a reason of the design if users will just quickly click through the prompt for the cookies or if they deactive some of them.

3.5 Recording

For the external video capture we chose a Nikon D5300 with an 200mm lens on a tripod. As a microphone we used a HyperX Cloud 2 Headset.

The screen, during the testing process, was captured by the software "OBS Studio" which is an free and open source software that can be used, among other things, for screen, webcam, a integraded camera from realtek and microphone recordings.

The recorded clips were further processed with the program Sony Vegas Pro 15, which is a video editing software. For the blurring of the faces of the test users, we used the boxblur function of ffmpeg. With this function a box can be created in the video which will be blurred.

Due to technical difficulties with the camera we had to cut the session capture (timestamp 00:12:04) and external session video (timestamp: 00:19:21) of TP2. Because of issues with the recording software, not the complete interview of TP1 is on the session capture recording, but the external session video contains the information. Additionally, we had to cut TP4's external recording at timestamp 00:02:36, 00:02:40, 00:02:44 and 00:02:48 due to technical errors with the camera. In the screen capture video of TP5 we had to cut at timestamp 00:10:25 and 00:11:10, because of technical errors of the laptop.

3.6 Training

For every test user the same notebook with the same mouse and keyboard was provided by the test team. Since the test users are familiar with the use of computers and interacting with the internet/website, there is no special training needed.

In the beginning the facilitator explain to the test user how the thinking aloud test will be done. Also, a simple task was performed by the facilitator for better understanding. Furthermore, a video of a previous thinking aloud test was shown to the test users.

The test users did not receive any further training or practicing for the TA test, but the facilitator demonstrated a small example, so each user knew how they should do the test. The website used was "" where the facilitator had to find the cinema program for a specific date, on a specific cinema.

3.7 Tasks

The internal task list used by the test team is shown in Table 3.

Task No. Description Prerequisites Completion Criteria Max. Time Possible Solution Path

Please go to the web site:

You can now spend a few minutes looking around the site.

Besuchen Sie folgende Website:

Sie haben nun ein paar Minuten Zeit, um sich auf dieser Website umzusehen.

Browser is open at

Webbrowser auf geöffnet.

The user indicates that they have finished looking around.

3 minutes.

After 3 minutes ask the user:

  1. Who does this web site represent?
  2. Who is this web site intended for?
  3. What does this web site offer?

Nach 3 Minuten wird der User gefragt:

  1. Wer präsentiert sich hier?
  2. Für wen ist diese Website gedacht?
  3. Was wird hier geboten?



Find a blue shirt shirt which you like and add it to your shopping basket. Check your shopping basket afterwards.

Finden Sie ein blaues Hemd, dass Sie mögen und fügen Sie es zu Ihrer Warenkorb hinzu. Kontrollieren Sie Ihre Warenkorb im Anschluss.

Browser is open at

The user is on the shopping basket page and has a blue shirt added to it. 3 minutes.

From the home page, type "Blaues Hemd" in the search bar, one of the results can be added to the shopping basket. Clicking the bag symbol, in the right corner of the whole page, opens the shopping basket page.

Geben Sie auf der Startseite "Blaues Hemd" in die Suchleiste ein. Eines der Ergebnisse können Sie zur Wunschliste hinzufügen. Ein Klick auf das Herz-Symbol in der rechten Ecke der Seite öffnet die Seite mit der Wunschliste.


Find an outfit for a gathering next weekend. Add one of the finished looks into your shopping basket. Check your shopping basket afterwards.

Suchen Sie nach einem fertigen Outfit. Fügen Sie daher einen der fertigen Looks Ihrem Warenkorb hinzu. Kontrollieren Sie Ihren Warenkorb im Anschluss.

Browser is open at

User added all items into the shopping basket.

4 minutes.

Home → Looks. Select a look and add each item to the shopping basket.

Startseite → Looks. Wählen Sie einen Look aus und legen Sie jeden Artikel in den Warenkorb.


Create an account for the website with the provided data.

Erstellen Sie ein Konto für die Website mit den bereitgestellten Daten.

Browser is open at

The user has created an account.

5 minutes.

Click on the figure symbol in the right corner of the website.

Klicken Sie auf das Figurensymbol in der rechten Ecke der Website.


You are ordering 15 polo shirts for a photo shoot. You need all polo shirts to be as inexpensive as possible and in the same size and colour. Add those polo shirts to your shopping basket and check out with the provided data. Do not enter a payment method.

Sie bestellen 15 Poloshirts für ein Projekt. Alle Poloshirts sollen möglichst kostengünstig sein und die gleiche Größe und Farbe haben. Legen Sie diese Poloshirts in Ihren Warenkorb und gehen Sie mit den bereitgestellten Daten zur Kasse. Geben Sie keine Zahlungsmethode an.

Browser is open at

User added all items to the shopping basket and entered the delivery information.

10 minutes.

Go from the main page to the category "Herren", then select "Poloshirts". Enter the desired filter options. Because it is only possible to add a quantity of 9 (or less sometimes) it is needed to add a second product in the same size with the same filter options. Then go to the checkout and enter all the information needed.

Gehen Sie von der Hauptseite in die Kategorie "Herren" und wählen Sie "Poloshirts". Geben Sie die gewünschten Filteroptionen ein. Da es nur möglich ist, 9 Stück (manchmal weniger) eines Produktes, zum Einkaufswagen hinzuzufügen, ist es notwendig, ein zweites Produkt in der gleichen Größe mit den gleichen Filteroptionen zu wählen. Gehen Sie dann zur Kasse und geben Sie alle erforderlichen Informationen ein.

Table 4: Tasks given to the users.

3.8 Interview Questions

The following questions were asked of each user immediately after the final task. Transcripts of the interviews can be found in Section 4.8.

The following questions will be asked of each user immediately after the final task.

  • Opening Question
    • "How was it?" ["Wie war's?"]
  • Standard Questions
    1. "Did anything strike you as particularly good?"
    2. "Did anything strike you as particularly bad?"
    3. "Which task was the hardest and why?"
    4. "Do you think the website is easy to use? With reasoning please.”
  • Individual Questions

    After the standard questions above, any individual questions which arose during the test with each particular test user were asked. These are detailed in the transcripts in Section 4.8.

3.9 Feedback Questionnaire

After the interview, the user was asked to fill out the feedback questionnaire given in Appendix A.7. The feedback questionnaire was given on paper. An overview of the results can be seen in Section 4.9.

3.10 Data Collection and Collation

Before the task started the user got a simple introduction and had to sign a declaration of consent. Then the facilitator asked the test user the questions from the background questionnaire and filled in the given answers. All collected data will be assigned to a test user id and first name aliases.

The test user got a sheet of paper with all the tasks on it. The user had to read the tasks and if everything is clear the test would get started. A task was either over if the test user reached the goal or the facilitator decided that the task takes too long. After all tasks were done the test user got a feedback form, which he had to fill out.

Immediately after the thinking aloud test is done the handwritten questionnaires (background, feedback) as well as success measures and observed problems are transferred to a spreadsheet shown in Appendix A.7.

Any faces occurring in the recordings were blurred or pixelated. All collected personal data, like name, signature and the full video recordings will be deleted after one year.

4 Results

4.1 Discussion and Analysis

After all test participants were done with their Thinking Aloud Test, we noticed that the users found far more negative things then positive ones. Things like pop ups at the checkout, non-fitting suggestions or the overall bad response time from the website were some of the negative findings. While trying to order multiple items the users noticed the most negative aspects. It is not possible to put more items than one into the shopping cart, instead the number has to be adjusted in the shopping cart. Furthermore, it is not possible to order more then 9 pieces of the same item. The third problem that arose was the bad feedback, when there are not enough pieces of one item anymore. One of the participants also pointed out, that the design/layout of the website could be improved, by minimizing the white spaces on the left and right side and also increasing the items shown per row to make it more comfortable when looking around the website. The most positive about the website, which was noticed by the users, was the back to the top button. Things like the offering of multiple pictures for one item, or the already prepared outfits were also mentioned. The smaller positive things found were the suggestions of certain items as well as the option to subscribe to a newsletter. We noticed that no one of the test participants used the search bar function, instead they all chose to use the filter options to look for the items. Since the tasks provided were solved by everyone and some of them had some troubles with task 5, we think that the chosen tasks were pretty fitting.

4.2 Task Completion

A summary of how many users completed each task and whether any assistance was given is shown in Table 5.

Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task 4 Task 5
TP1 1 1 1 1 1*
TP2 1 1 1* 1 1*
TP3 1 1 1 1 1*
TP4 1 1 1 1 1*
TP5 1 1 1 1 1*
Total 5 5 5 5 5
% 100 100 100 100 100
Table 5: Task completion rates. An asterisk (*) indicates that assistance was given.

4.3 Impressions

Tables 6a, 6b, and 6c show a summary of the responses of the test users to the questions asked after the first task. "-" means, that the user was not asked this question in the interview.

TP2Its a warehouse mainly for clothes
TP3Kastner & Oehler the shop in Graz
TP4Kastner & Oehler I guess
TP5The Onlineshop Kastner & Öhler
Table 6a: User responses to the question: "Who does this site represent?"
TP2From the design and the pricing its more for serious people
TP4I think for everybody who looks for clothing
TP5Actually for all different kinds of people, men, women, children, basically everyone
Table 6b: User responses to the question: "Who is this web site intended for?"
TP2It offers various clothing products
TP3Its a online shop for the local store, clothing mainly and some shoes and accesories
TP4Clothing and decorations stuff, they even have books, something for the kitchen, bedroom, beauty stuff
TP5As I already said mostly clothes, but also different things as toys, accessories, Home & Living
Table 6c: User responses to the question: "What does this web site offer?"

4.4 Top Three Positive Findings

The three most positive findings according to their average (mean) positivity ratings are described in more detail below. The positivity rating scheme used to rank positive findings is shown in Table 7.

4Extremely Positive
3Major Positive
2Minor Positive
1Cosmetic Positive
0Not a Positive
Table 7: Positivity Ratings.

P01. Back To Top Button

Title: Back To Top Button
Description: The back to the top button is very convenient.
Video Clip(s): p01-tp5-back-to-top-button.mp4
Timestamp(s): TP5 00:03:16
Location (How Reproducible?): Any product page
Mean Positivity: 3.25
Figure 3: Back to the top button

Here our testuser uses the back to the top button, as can be seen in Figure 3.

P02. Multiple Pictures

Title: Multiple Pictures
Description: You get a good view of how the clothes fit because there are multiple pictures where you can see the clothes only or how they fit on a person.
Video Clip(s): p02-tp1-multiple-pictures.mp4 p02-tp2-clothing-representation.mp4
Timestamp(s): TP1 00:05:15, TP2 00:04:48
Location (How Reproducible?): Any category → Shirts → Select one item
Mean Positivity: 3.25
Figure 4: Multiple pictures of the product

In this video you can see, that there are many different pictures to present the product, which makes it easier for the customer to decide if they want to buy it or not - seen in Figure 4.

P03. Prepared Outfit

Title: Prepared Outfit
Description: The user can order all items of an already prepared outfit.
Video Clip(s): p03-tp1-outfit.mp4
Timestamp(s): TP1 00:09:36
Location (How Reproducible?): Looks → select one outfit
Mean Positivity: 2.75
Figure 5: Whole prepared outfit

In Figure 5 you can see the whole prepared outfit which you can buy.

4.5 List of All Positive Findings

Table 8 shows a list of all the positive findings which emerged from the test, sorted in descreasing order of average (mean) positivity, i.e. the most positive are at the top of the table. Positivity ratings were assigned by members of the test team, their name codes are shown in Table 9.

No. Title Description Video Clip(s) Timestamps(s) Location (how reproducible?) Positivity
1 Back to top button The back to the top button is very convenient p01-tp5-back-to-top-button.mp4 TP5 00:03:16 Any product page 2 4 3 4 3.25
2 Multiple pictures You get a good view of how the clothes fit because there are multiple pictures where you can see the clothes only or how they fit on a person p02-tp1-multiple-pictures.mp4
TP1 00:05:15, TP2 00:04:48 Any category → Shirts → Select one item 3 4 3 3 3.25
3 Prepared outfit The user can order all items of an already prepared outfit p03-tp1-outfit.mp4 TP1 00:09:36 Looks → select one outfit 3 3 2 3 2.75
4 Suggestions Depending on an item order, you get suggestions for other items which are good combinations. p04-tp3-item-suggestions.mp4 TP3 00:08:57 Order any item → Top of screen are the suggestions 2 3 2 2 2.25
5 Newsletter The user can subscribe to a newsletter p05-tp1-newsletter.mp4 TP1 00:04:38 Main page → scroll down to newsletter 1 2 2 2 1.75
Table 8: Aggregated list of all positive findings, in descending order of average (mean) positivity.
DSDaniel Scharf
ASAlfred Sebernig
MKMario Knezevic
VBViola Brod
Table 9: Name codes.

4.6 Top Five Problems

The five most serious problems according to their average (mean) severity ratings are described in more detail below. Problem number 1 is the problem (negative finding) with the highest mean severity. The severity rating scheme used to rank problems is shown in Table 10.

4Catastrophic problem
3Serious problem
2Minor problem
1Cosmetic problem
0Not a problem
Table 10: Severity ratings.

N01. Cannot Put More Than One Item In Shopping Cart

Title: Cannot Put More Than One Item In Shopping Cart
Description: It is not possible to put more than one item at once in the shopping cart, you have to adjust the number in the shopping cart
Video Clip(s): n01-tp4-order-multiple-items.mp4
Timestamp(s): TP4 00:12:15
Location (How Reproducible?): put any item to the shopping cart.
Mean Severity: 3.75
Figure 6: You have to adjust the number of items in the shopping cart

It is not possible to put more than one item at a time into the shopping cart, if you want to add 3 times the same item, you have to adjust the number in the shopping cart it is not possible at the product page. The issue can be seen in Figure 6.

This problem can be solved, with implementing a how-many-pieces-button on the product page.

N02. No More Than 9 Pieces Of The Same Item

Title: No More Than 9 Pieces Of The Same Item
Description: You cannot buy more than 9 pieces of the same items, even if it is still available
Video Clip(s): n02-tp4-availability.mp4
Timestamp(s): TP4 00:15:38
Location (How Reproducible?): put item into the shopping cart more than 9 times
Mean Severity: 3.75
Figure 7: There is a maximum of 9 pieces per item in the shopping cart.

In Figure 7 you can see that the customer cannot put more than 9 pieces per item in the shopping cart.

It could be more convenient if the customer knows beforehand, that you cannot buy more than 9 pieces per item, otherwise for some products the maximum of pieces can be increased.

N03. No Feedback

Title: No Feedback
Description: You don’t get any feedback, if you want to collect nine times the same item into the shopping cart, because if there aren’t nine pieces of this item available anymore, the website will just change the number to a lower number without any feedback
Video Clip(s): n03-tp4-item-number.mp4
Timestamp(s): TP4 00:12:38, TP3 00:15:15
Location (How Reproducible?): Shopping cart
Mean Severity: 3.25
Figure 8: You don't get any feedback on the shopping cart-

In Figure 8 you can see that the customer don't really get any feedback, if the item is still available. If the item is already in the shopping basket, and you add another piece of it to the shopping cart on the product page, you won't get any feedback if it's still available.

Implementing more feedback in respect to the shopping cart and adding items to it, would be an improvement.

N04. Too Few Items Per Row

Title: Too Few Items Per Row
Description: You have to scroll very much, because there are just three items per row
Video Clip(s): n04-tp5-scrolling-a-lot.mp4
Timestamp(s): TP5 00:02:34
Location (How Reproducible?): Any product page
Mean Severity: 3.00
Figure 9: There are just three items per row.

If you scroll through different categories you really have to scroll very much because there are only three items per row as seen in Figure 9.

For the sake of the shopping experience it would be better to show more items per row, so it doesn't give you the feeling, that you have already looked through 30 pages of products - more products per page is better for the overview.

N05. White Spaces

Title: White Spaces
Description: Huge white spaces on the side, which take a lot of screen space
Video Clip(s): n05-tp5-white-spaces.mp4
Timestamp(s): TP5 00:02:14
Location (How Reproducible?): everywhere
Mean Severity: 2.75
Figure 10: Huge white spaces on the left and right.

In Figure 10 you can see the huge white spaces on the left and on the right of the products. This problem follows from the 4th problem that there are too few items in the rows.

As already stated in the 4th problem, putting more items in a row would look better and also feel better for the customer. This would also eliminate the problem with the huge white spaces.

4.7 List of All Problems Found

Table 11 shows a list of all the problems observed in the test, sorted in descreasing order of average (mean) severity, i.e. the most severe are at the top of the table. Severity ratings were assigned by members of the test team, their name codes are shown in Table 12.

No. Title Description Video Clip(s) Timestamps(s) Location (how reproducible?) Severity
1Cannot put more than one item in shopping cartIt is not possible to put more than one item at once in the shopping cart, you have to adjust the number in the shopping cart n01-tp4-order-multiple-items.mp4 TP4 00:12:15put any item to the shopping cart 44343.75
2No more than 9 pieces of the same item You cannot buy more than 9 pieces of the same items, even if it is still available n02-tp4-availability.mp4 TP4 00:15:38 put item into the shopping cart more than 9 times 44343.75
3No feedbackYou don’t get any feedback, if you want to collect nine times the same item into the shopping cart, because if there aren’t nine pieces of this item available anymore, the website will just change the number to a lower number without any feedback n03-tp4-item-number.mp4, n03-tp3-shopping-cart-feedback.mp4 TP4 00:12:38, TP3 00:15:15 Shopping cart34333.25
4Too few items per rowYou have to scroll very much, because there are just three items per row n04-tp5-scrolling-a-lot.mp4 TP5 00:02:34 Any product page33333.00
5White spacesHuge white spaces on the side, which take a lot of screen space n05-tp5-white-spaces.mp4 TP5 00:02:14everywhere2333 2.75
6Slow websiteThe website seemed very slow when hovering over a banner n06-tp4-website-response.mp4TP4 00:01:38 Home33322.75
7Non fitting suggestions If you select an item, the website shows you some other items which would go with the first selected item, but this time it suggested shoes to a dress, which would not fit to it n07-tp4-bad-suggestions.mp4 TP4 00:07:26 any item33232.75
8Pop Up in Shopping cartWhen you are in the shopping card you will get a pop up multiple times after doing some actions n08-tp2-checkout-popup.mp4, n08-tp2-checkout-popup-2.mp4 TP2 00:06:26, TP2 00:17:54Shopping Cart → Leave the page3323 2.75
9Layout of screenThere is not that much items on the screen, you don’t see much n09-tp5-product-layout.mp4TP5 00:03:43 product page22332.50
10Not easy going backFrom the shopping cart it is not easy going back to the mainpage n10-tp5-going-back.mp4 TP5 00:06:30Shopping cart → going back 21342.50
11Confusing websiteIt is not as easy to navigate as it should be, even though you have already done it many times, you still have to search for everything n11-tp5-always-searching.mp4TP5 00:16:00 everywhere32322.50
12Prepared outfit feedbackIn order to see the items of a prepared outfit, the user has to scroll down again after ordering one of the pieces n12-tp1-outfit-feedback.mp4TP1 00:09:45 Looks → click one item → scroll down to outfit → order one item 32222.25
13Pop Up doesnt close automatically When you are on the clothing page and want to add a piece from there, after clicking on Add to Basket the pop up wont close n13-tp2-closing-popup.mp4TP2 00:11:55 Herren → Shirts22142.25
14 Wrong postal code suggestion When you put in your desired adress the page sometimes wont suggest the right postal code to the adress n14-tp3-wrong-postal-code.mp4 TP3 00:11:15 Register23132.25
15Slow loading and had to click twice When finishing the registration process you have to click twice on register and it will load for about 5 seconds without any indaction that it does so n15-tp3-loading-time.mp4TP3 00:11:44 Register22222.00
16 Create account from shopping cart You cannot create an account easily if you are in the shopping cart currently, you have to click on pay that it is possible to create an account n16-tp5-create-account.mp4TP5 00:11:40 Shopping cart → pay12221.75
17 Text width changes constantlyThe text width changes when the counter changes o nthe action code promotion n17-tp2-text-width.mp4 TP2 00:09:00 Any Page11111.00
Table 11: Aggregated list of all problems found, in descending order of average (mean) severity.
DSDaniel Scharf
ASAlfred Sebernig
MKMario Knezevic
VBViola Brod
Table 12: Name codes used for severity ratings.

4.8 Interviews

TP1 "Sarah" overall liked the site despite some small inconvienences because she could find a lot of clothing and options there.

TP2 "Josh" stated that he didnt like the pop up in the shopping card which seemed to appear every few seconds and that the size of the banner with the countdown changed with the width of the characters, also that the pop up when adding clothes to the shopping cart didnt close by itself. He couldnt find anything where he would say thats "super nice" but overall still good.

TP3 "Bruce" said that the website was very respoonsive and loading fast, but he didnt like the unexpected pop Ups and also that he cant put more than 9 of the same shirt at once in the shopping cart.

TP4 "Sylvia" stated that the website looks like any other website, so pretty basic. TP4 didn't like the pop ups and the bugs with the shopping card, for example only adding 9 pieces of the same items.

TP5 "Phil" said, that it is a good normal website and if you already used some it won't be hard to use this one. TP5 didn't like the thick white spaces on the left and right of the items, as well as the much scrolling which was involved. Also the problem with the maximum of 9 pieces per item were annoying for TP5.

4.9 Feedback Questionnaires

Table 13 shows a summary of the ratings given by users in the feedback questionnaire at the end of the test. The neutral scale in the original feedback questionnaire has been mapped to a weighted scale between 6 (best) and 0 (worst). The numbers in bold indicate the (rounded) mean rating.

The original blank questionnaire can be found in Section A.7. Scans of the questionnaires as completed by each test user can be found in Section B.2.

Table 13: Summary of user ratings from the feedback questionnaire.


Nielsen Norman Group; Thinking Aloud: The #1 Usability Tool.; retrieved on 28 Apr 2023
Torresburriel Estudio; Thinking Aloud Test:pros and cons; retrieved on 29 Apr 2023

A Test Team Materials

A.1 Checklist

The following checklist was used for the tests: checklist.html.

A.2 Orientation Script

The following orientation script was used for the tests: orient.html.

A.3 Background Questionnaire

The following blank background questionnaire was used in the tests: background.html.

A.4 Consent Form

The following blank consent form was used in the tests: consent-ta.pdf.

A.5 Task Slips

The following task slips were presented to the test users: external-tasks-ta.pdf.

A.6 Data Collection Form

We did not use a data collection form.

A.7 Feedback Questionnaire

The following blank feedback questionnaire was used in the tests: feedback.html.

A.8 Data Spreadsheet

The data from the questionnaires and the other results were collated in the spreadsheet: data-ta.xlsx.

A.9 Presentation Slides

The slides used for the presentation are: ta-slides.pdf.

B User Materials

The following materials were filled out for each test user.

B.1 Completed Background Questionnaires

For each test user, the completed background questionnaire was scanned as PDF:

B.2 Completed Feedback Questionnaires

For each test user, the completed feedback questionnaire was scanned as PDF:

C Consent and Full Videos

The mapping of user aliases, signed consent forms, external videos, and session capture videos all contain identifiable personal data of the test users. These files are handed in separately on a USB stick. They are not to be published and are to be deleted after one year.

C.1 User Aliases

The mapping of test users' aliases to their real names is documented in the file users.html.

C.2 Signed Consent Forms

For each test user, the signed consent form was scanned as PDF:

  • tp1-consent.pdf
  • tp2-consent.pdf
  • tp3-consent.pdf
  • tp4-consent.pdf
  • tp5-consent.pdf

C.3 External Videos

For each test user, the entire test was captured with a tripod-mounted external video camera in the following files:

  • TP1 "Sarah": tp1-ext.mp4.
  • TP2 "Josh": tp2-ext.mp4.
  • TP3 "Bruce": tp3-ext.mp4.
  • TP4 "Sylvia": tp4-ext.mp4.
  • TP5: "Phil": tp5-ext.mp4.

C.4 Session Capture Videos

For each test user, the entire test session on the computer was captured in the following files:

  • TP1 "Sarah": tp1.mp4.
  • TP2 "Josh": tp2.mp4.
  • TP3 "Bruce": tp3.mp4.
  • TP4 "Sylvia": tp4.mp4.
  • TP5: "Phil": tp5.mp4.

C.5 Session Capture Video Transcripts

The coding scheme for session capture video transcripts is shown in Table C.1. A chronological protocol of events during the test sessions is given in Tables C.2 through C.6. Times are given in hours, minutes, and seconds of elapsed time on the session capture video for that user.

MarkerColour (r,g,b)Event
S (142,175,215) Start of task.
E (172,205,245) End of task.
N (248,180,203) Negative observation (problem).
P (178,208,129) Positive observation.
Q (255,242,230) Quote or comment from user.
X (238,250,184) Error, unexpected action.
F (230,230,230) Facilitator prompts user.
H (200,200,200) Facilitator helps user.
T (217,221,251) Timeout, exceeded maximum time for task.
I (255,211,149) Probe during interview (probe mark).
Table C.1: Coding scheme for session capture transcripts.
Marker Event Description
TP1 "Sarah"
00:00:18 S Start of training.
00:03:45 E End of training.
00:03:50 S Task 1: First impressions
00:04:01 Q „Ok, then I will just enter here Kastner and Öhler and then google should recommend it to me. Here it is Kastner-ö Yeah I will accept that.”
00:04:18 Q “OK here we can see some top categories and some summer stuff their selling and they have a lot of different categories for clothing and home. Sale. Oh, they have a newsletter, amazing.”
00:04:38 P TP notices the newsletter offer
00:04:46 Q “Oh they also have creative looks. Where you can then see, what they are wearing. Oh and then you can shop it”
00:04:52 Q “OK that’s a bag and they also have a video here.”
00:05:12 Q “Here you can see the bag from every perspective. That’s amazing”
00:05:15 P TP notices that multiple pictures are offered for a product See positive P02
00:05:20 Q “But I’m not sure if you can go back like that”
00:05:28 Q “Also for men and for woman”
00:05:31 Q “Oh that dress is cute, it’s a rock or a skirt”
00:05:48 E Task 1: End
00:05:50 S Start of Task 1 Interview
00:06:00 Q “Kastner and Öhler”
00:06:05 Q “Customers like private people who wanted to shop”
00:06:13 Q “Clothing I would say”
00:06:16 E End of Task 1 Interview
00:06:20 S Task 2: Motivational task
00:06:27 Q “OK then I will go to woman and shirts. I think there I will find it. If I want blue maybe they have a filter I can use to find.”
00:06:44 Q “Oh here, there is color. Uhm I’m not sure that’s blue – that’s türkis. I will use that blue one”
00:06:55 Q “Ah that’s not blue but here is. Ok they’re all blue”
00:07:12 Q “I will use that one and then I will select my size. I’m not sure maybe”
00:07:25 Q “Oberbekleidung I guess. Here it is – 36 that would fit I would say”
00:07:34 Q “Then I will go back. Oh, a new tab was opened”
00:07:42 Q “I will go back here and then add it to my shopping cart”
00:07:52 Q “And here it is”
00:07:54 E Task 2: End
00:08:06 S Task 3: Fairly easy task
00:08:23 Q “Before I saw that down here there were like – Oh no where were they? They had like the finished – Oh here at looks. There they have like prepared outfits. I will look there.”
00:08:49 Q “Which one I like”
00:08:53 Q “I think that one looks cute”
00:08:58 Q “But its just a dress I also would love to see the jacket but its not linked here. No. But I like that one and I know S is my size. So, I will add that.”
00:09:22 Q “That would suit to the dress. But I would love to see that bag, but it’s not here”
00:09:33 Q “Oh here!”
00:09:36 Q “Oh here you can see everything, amazing.”
00:09:36 P TP notices that it is possible to order all items of a prepared outfit at the same time when scrolling down. see positive P03
00:09:41 Q “I can select the shoes in that color. Oh but now I have to go down again to add the other stuff. That’s not perfect”
00:09:45 N TP notices that in order to see the items again, you have to scroll down again after ordering on of the items.
00:09:54 Q “Then I can add here the jacket”
00:10:00 Q “Uhh yeah and the bag”
00:10:07 Q “And then I see everything here”
00:10:15 E Task 3: End
00:10:25 S Task4: Medium difficulty
00:10:50 Q “Can I start already?”
00:10:55 Q “Here I would say is for the account and then I will select “Jetzt Registrieren”, because I don’t have an account already.”
00:11:10 F Facilitator prompts TP to use the provided data
00:12:17 Q “Uhm they can’t find the address”
00:12:25 F Facilitator prompts TP to use “Neutorgasse 46” as address
00:12:41 Q “And then I want to register”
00:12:48 Q “Did it work? Oh yeah now it’s here black. I think it worked”
00:12:57 E Task 4: End
00:13:05 S Task 5: More involved Task
00:13:22 Q “Ok and should it be for female or male or doesn’t matter? Ok then I will look for men. Poloshirts there is a section there so I will use that one and I think maybe I can sort here for the prices – Preise aufsteigend lets use that. So, the cheapest one is for 19.99, I guess. Everything down there has the same price or higher price”
00:14:01 Q “So I will select that one”
00:14:07 Q “Lets select the blue one. Does the size matter? OK so S and then I need 15 of them”
00:14:25 Q “Lets just add it here”
00:14:29 Q “But I don’t want to click there 15 times. Maybe if I go here. Oh yeah here I can – Oh I can just – Maybe now – no nothing more then 9. So I would have to add them again I guess. When I go back maybe”
00:15:00 Q “Lets see. Oh, now I selected the wrong one”
00:15:12 Q “Lets select blue again and then I would put it again into the shopping cart. I think it didn’t do anything. No, it stayed at 9”
00:15:27 Q “It has to be the same one? When I add it here nothing is added, and I can’t buy more than 9”
00:15:29 H Facilitator helps TP by answering the question
00:15:48 Q “Ahh OK”
00:15:54 Q “Then let’s go back”
00:16:00 Q “This is also blue I would say. Then I can add that again. Oh no it’s the same one.”
00:16:18 Q “Does that blue count?”
00:16:35 Q “Lets see. Let’s select here blue. And I can also select here S”
00:16:57 Q “But that’s not the cheapest one anymore”
00:17:01 H Facilitator helps TP by showing which shirt to take
00:17:10 Q “Ok its already selected, then I can add that to the shopping cart. And now we have 18”
00:17:27 Q “Oh we need 15 I thought 50”
00:17:38 Q “Let’s go pay”
00:17:50 E Task 5: End
00:18:00 F Facilitator asks TP to remove all items from shopping cart
00:18:21 S Start of interview
00:18:26 Q “I like the site, you can see a lot of clothing and they have a lot of options. I like the experience there. There were some small inconveniences but it’s ok.”
00:18:58 Q “No it was pretty straight forward. There were filters for the colours”
00:19:15 Q “That was also easy, especially because they had like the prepared looks.”
00:19:31 X Video recording got cut off to due technical difficulties
Table C.2: Transcript of the session capture video for user TP1 "Sarah".
Marker Event Description
TP2 "Josh"
00:00:17 S Start of training.
00:03:10 E End of training.
00:03:23 S Start of Task 1
00:03:37 F Test User wanted to move away the microphone
00:03:45 Q "So i type in"
00:03:52 Q "Ok, seems they have cookies, so i want to just skip this"
00:04:05 Q "Ok, there is some big sale or promotions, here are the categories i want to have a look on the polo shirts, so i go to men and have here the categories like bekleidung, and here i have more categories like Shirts, Kurzarm, Langarm, let's show all. I want to have a Kurzarm"
00:04:48 P Nice representation of the clothes See positive P02
00:04:50 Q "Here i have pictures and i also can see them in action, i think this is a great representation, also other colors they also switch when i hover over them, nice"
00:05:17 Q "There also was a video, was this about the shirt? This would be just a general promotion video"
00:05:43 Q "I think M would be suitable and maybe i will buy this, i will put this into the cart, ah and there is also an option so i go into the checkout. Oh, save 10% with Newsletter, ok so here i could enter my Mail adress , just close this by now"
00:06:25 Q "So what are the shipping fees on this site? .. Oh thats a pop up, why does it say dont leave, i didnt want to leave this page"
00:06:26 N Pop Up prompting user to not leave the page, but he didnt want to leave
00:06:44 Q "Here i also dont see the shipping fees, oh here they are"
00:06:53 E End of Task 1
00:06:55 S Start of Task 1 Interview
00:07:02 Q "A warehouse, mainly for clothing"
00:07:18 Q "I think from the design and so, and also the prices its more for serious people also from the brands, more expensive products and not to much for young people for example"
00:07:50 Q "It offers various clothing products"
00:07:55 E End of Task 1 Interview
00:08:04 F Facilitator prompts user to go to the main page
00:08:08 Q "Then i click on the logo"
00:08:14 S Start of Task 2
00:08:20 Q "Ok so i look in the main menu, i think it should be for me so i go to herren and theres a category for shirts, and maybe can i filter for blue shirts? Lets filter"
00:08:51 Q "I think this is a nice color and here i can do it in the cart"
00:09:00 N Text width changes when the counter changes on the action code promotion
00:09:02 Q "This is a bit odd the size alwsays changes when the counter changes, but here i have to checkout"
00:09:20 E End of Task 2
00:09:23 S Start of Task 3
00:09:46 Q "Ok for this i wouldnt look directly.. maybe they have a category like, oh there are Specials like Bräutigam, oh i cant click the specials, but here it says alle Neuheiten which is something other then specials, so lets go here "alle Neuheiten".
00:10:27 Q "So this seems like a combination, maybe if i go on this it wouldl ead me on a category for this"
00:10:46 Q "Maybe with the "Gästekleidung" here
00:10:54 I Test User asks the Facilitor of it should be one full set
00:11:08 Q "Lets go to the normal Herren and maybe ... maybe lets first go to shirts and maybe this one in white, and add to cart"
00:11:37 Q "Then i choose "Hosen" so this is already the right color, if i click here it maybe adds it to the shopping cart, oh there is a pop up, yeah i can do it here"
00:11:55 Q "But why doesnt it clsoe it?"
00:11:55 N Add to shopping card pop up doesnt close after clicking on "In den Warenkorb"
00:12:04 X External camera stopped recording, restart was required
00:12:05 Q "Finally some shoes, so i go to "Schuhe" and maybe take some from the "Empfehlungen" and add them, oh, so here i can add it, i go to the shopping card and they are all here"
00:12:41 E End of Task 3
00:12:43 S Start of Task 4
00:12:49 Q "I want to use some provided data"
00:13:03 Q "There is a user icon so i think there i can go to an account, ok there is an register button"
00:14:04 F Facilitor prompts the user to use another input for the street
00:14:23 Q "Ok no newsletter, so click on here"
00:14:28 I "Can i save this password?"
00:14:33 Q "Ok, so now i am already logged in, right?"
00:14:37 E End of Task 4
00:14:40 S Start of Task 5
00:15:05 Q "Should they all be the same shirts?"
00:15:13 Q "So i go back to the homepage, via the logo and i will then go to Herren and there is somewhere Poloshirts, yes then i will go to th filters and take M and maybe take black and filter this"
00:15:40 Q "Now there should only be black M right?"
00:15:45 Q "When i want to add this to the cart, i add this and i have to clsoe this again"
00:15:59 Q "Then i can add this step, by step"
00:16:26 F Facilatator prompts user to only take the least expensive Shirts, as stated in the task description
00:16:40 Q "So here is a slider for the price, so i can slide this down, so they are starting from 19, maybe to 27€"
00:17:00 Q "Hä, here it was stated that.. oh its just one"
00:17:06 Q "Maybe i can add here more of them? No i cant, Maybe if i click this more often, ah yes the counter rises"
00:17:24 Q "Maybe if i go to the cart i can enter there a high number .. i cant see the price per piece, but here i can choose a high number but it only goes up to 9"
00:17:50 F Facilitator prompts user to remove the other items from the shopping card except the polo shirts"
00:17:54 N Annoying Pop up in the shopping cart
00:17:55 Q "Ah again this pop up"
00:18:18 Q "But what if i choose this one and add one more?"
00:18:32 Q "Then maybe take 6 from them and delete this"
00:18:40 F Facilitator prompts user to check out
00:18:49 Q "This would be my adress, thats correct so i can continue and then i have to choose a payment method"
00:19:05 F Facilitator prompts user to use paypal as payment method
00:19:10 E End of Task 5
00:19:14 S Start of Interview
00:19:22 Q "What i really didnt like was the pop up in the shopping cart which seems to appear every few seconds and that the size of this one banner with the countdown changed on the width of the characters and that the pop up, where i wanted to add something to the shopping cart in the product overview, where all the products are, didnt close when i added it to the shopping cart"
00:20:02 Q "Overall i think the concept of the page was quite good, but i didnt have a particular point where i would say this was a super nice feature"
00:20:20 E End of the Interview
Table C.3: Transcript of the session capture video for user TP2 "Josh".
Marker Event Description
TP3 "Bruce"
00:00:00 S Start of training
00:02:09 E End of training.
00:02:16 S Task 1: First impressions
00:04:33 E End of Task1
00:04:35 S Start of Task 1 Interview
00:04:43 Q "Kastner & Oehler the shop in graz, i think"
00:04:55 Q "Its a online shop basically for the local store, clothing mainly and some shoes and accesories
00:05:18 S Task 2:
00:05:48 Q "So im looking for polo shirts"
00:06:16 Q "Thats looking good"
00:06:27 Q "Add this to the basket"
00:06:40 Q "Thats it"
00:06:41 E End of Task2
00:06:42 S Start of Task 3: Find an outfit for a gathering next weekend, at it to your shopping basket
00:07:00 F Facilitators prompts user to start again from the Main Page
00:07:08 I "Shorts, T-Shirts and everything, right?"
00:07:18 Q "I will start with trousers"
00:07:36 Q "Get some white ones"
00:07:43 Q "Apply filter"
00:07:53 Q "That seems nice"
00:08:00 Q "Add to basket"
00:08:05 Q "Then we need some shoes"
00:08:39 Q "Some brown ones"
00:08:53 Q "Basket"
00:08:57 Q "aha, suggestions"
00:09:03 Q "That looks nice"
00:09:28 E End of Task 3
00:09:30 S Start of Task 4 : Create an account for the website with some provided data
00:09:47 I "Start from the main page, right?"
00:09:53 Q "Okey, then ill click on this icon"
00:10:00 X Test User tries to insert the provided data into the login form and gets redirected to the registration page
00:10:33 Q "Ah, i need to register first"
00:11:15 N Wrong postal code suggested by the website
00:11:17 Q "Ok, thats a wrong suggestion, should be 8010"
00:11:44 N Had to click register twice and long loading time without indication
00:11:48 Q "Ok, its loading"
00:11:58 I "That should be the same, right? Shipping adress"
00:12:05 X Test user clicked on continue and gets redirected to the payment methods, but he just needed to create an account
00:12:10 Q "I think im done"
00:12:13 E End of Task 4
00:12:17 S Start of task 5: Order 15 polo shirts with the same size and color
00:12:45 I "Man or women polo shirts?"
00:12:56 Q "I think there should be the pricer filter... descending"
00:13:10 I "Different Color?"
00:13:38 Q "Thats just going up to 9"
00:13:54 Q "Pop ups"
00:15:00 Q "Add to basket"
00:15:07 Q "Does that work?"
00:15:15 N "User doesnt know if the add to cart option works, because there is no obvious feedback" See problem N03
00:15:40 H "You can also add another polo shirt, just with the same size and color"
00:15:50 Q "I think this is just working with 9 Polo Shirts"
00:15:56 Q "Then go for the next white one"
00:16:35 X User clicks multiple times on "add to basket" instead of choose the amount in the shopping cart"
00:16:37 Q "Add until we got 15"
00:16:45 Q "Should be good"
00:16:50 H "Now you have to perform the checkout"
00:17:15 S Start of the interview.
00:17:30 Q "I think the website was responsive, loading fast"
00:17:45 Q "There were some pop ups that were unexpected, annoying"
00:17:54 Q "Also the thing with the cart thats only supporting 9, it should be possible to select more of the same article"
00:18:19 Q "Getting the 15 polo shirts, because it didnt work out to get 15 from the same article"
00:18:33 Q "I think so, for me it was not hard to get started and i really felt comfortable and the navigation is also quite reasonable and easy to use
00:18:33 E End of the Interview
Table C.4: Transcript of the session capture video for user TP3 "Bruce".
Marker Event Description
TP4 "Sylvia"
00:00:05 S Start of training.
00:00:42 E End of training.
00:01:02 S Task 1: First impressions
00:01:38 N "The website is pretty slow, so it seems like this takes a long time to load"
00:01:42 Q "So I can see the categories and different brands I can look for"
00:01:55 Q "Also some things which are promoted"
00:02:10 Q "I see that I can also click and collect"
00:02:25 Q "It look like a normal online shop website [..] and there is a promo code"
00:02:40 E Task 1: End
00:02:45 S Start task 1 interview
00:02:50 Q "Kastner and Öhler I guess"
00:03:00 Q "I think for everybody who looks for clothing"
00:03:23 Q "Clothing and decorations stuff, they even have books, something for the kitchen, bedroom, beauty stuff"
00:03:50 E Task 1 interview
00:03:54 S Task 2: Motivational task
00:04:05 Q "I would go to women - then shirts, I'm searching for a filter for blue"
00:04:30 Q "ah there I can filter for blue"
00:04:45 Q "This does not seem blue to me"
00:04:53 Q "Many are not blue, but show up here, if I want a blue shirt I want a blue shirt"
00:05:17 Q "I will take this one"
00:05:29 E Task 2: end
00:05:30 S Task 3: Fairly easy task
00:05:47 Q "I would probably wear a dress"
00:06:23 Q "Maybe party dresses"
00:06:35 Q "This looks nice"
00:06:50 Q "I dont think this would go to a dress"
00:07:36 N "Would have been nice if they would show me shoes which would go with this dress"
00:08:00 Q "These look nice"
00:08:16 E Task 3: end
00:08:22 S Task 4: Medium difficulty
00:08:38 Q "Do I need to do it in the card or just an account?"
00:08:42 H Facilitator helps user by answering the question
00:08:53 Q "Then I would go to the profile button and create an account"
00:10:30 E Task 4: end
00:10:35 S Task 5: More involved task
00:10:54 Q "Is it women or men polo shirt? Then I would choose women polo shirt"
00:10:55 H Facilitator helps by saying that they can decide
00:11:20 Q "Shirts, oh polo shirts"
00:11:33 Q "Then I would sort it by price basically"
00:11:44 Q "Yeah this is pretty inexpenise, oh there is only 1 left I cannot take this"
00:12:10 Q "Put it in the card"
00:12:15 N "Ok I cannot click more than one, that is pretty annoying maybe I can do it in the basket" See problem N01
00:12:38 N "I want nine but the won't let me" See problem N03
00:12:50 Q "Thats pretty annoying, I will go back and search for a shirt"
00:13:05 Q "This one is also very inexpensive, I will take L or M"
00:13:41 H Facilitator helps by saying that it does not need to be the same shirt 15 times
00:14:00 Q "I guess I have to find another green polo shirt"
00:14:20 Q "This is also green but there are only two"
00:14:50 Q "Maybe green was a bad color"
00:15:20 Q "It is really hard, because the green is not the same and they get pretty expensive"
00:15:38 N "It is a bit annoying that I cannot add more, but it says they are still available" See problem N02
00:16:40 Q "And then find another, I will just take this one"
00:17:00 Q "Now I proceed"
00:17:20 E Task 5: end
00:17:25 S Start interview
00:17:30 Q "I think the task were not difficult, it looks like any other shopping website, but I think the pop ups are a bit annoying, there are also some bugs with the shopping card also that I cannot add more than nine polo shirts annoyed me"
00:18:20 Q "The pop ups were pretty annoying, if you hovered over something it pops up, they designed the layout like any other shopping webiste, which is good because it is easy to get around"
00:19:00 Q "I think the polo shirts was the hardest because the webiste didn't allow to add more than 9"
00:19:20 Q "Yeah its not hard"
Table C.5: Transcript of the session capture video for user TP4 "Sylvia".
Marker Event Description
TP5 "Phil"
00:00:05 S Start of training
00:00:47 E End of training
00:01:13 Q "Looks like a standard online shop"
00:01:30 Q "It is kinda laggy...I can look at male clothes"
00:01:46 Q "For example if I'm shopping for something specific, there is a search bar, it is pretty nice, info about ordering, the layout looks really nice"
00:02:14 N "The design does not strike me as very modern, like this huge white spaces on the side, which take a lot of screen space" See problem N05
00:02:34 N "So I have to scroll a lot, to see the different items, because there are only three items" See problem N04
00:03:00 Q "They actually sell more than just clothes, like toys, Home&Living, a Blog, that's interesting"
00:03:16 P "Oh that is a nice button here, brings me right to the top" See positive P01
00:03:33 Q "There are the different ways to pay, also have a impressum there to see the info, that is pretty nice"
00:03:43 N "A pretty standard online shop I would say, the thing that annoys me the most is the layout of the products, you don't see a lot on the screen"
00:04:05 E Task 1: End
00:04:06 S Start task 1 interview
00:04:08 Q "The Onlineshop Kastner & Öhler"
00:04:15 Q "Actually for all different kinds of people, men, women, children, basically everyone"
00:04:30 Q "As I already said mostly clothes, but also different things as toys, accessories, Home& Living"
00:04:53 E End task 1 interview
00:04:54 S Task 2: Motivational task
00:04:57 Q "Alright blue shirt, going to men's - shirts - then I could filter by color, I don't really see it at first - ah here at the bottom"
00:05:30 Q "Ah thats two different views, but I don't see how it works - ah here you can see the person wearing it, but it works just on some products, some stay the same"
00:06:06 Q "Lets take this one with the person wearing it."
00:06:18 E Task 2: end
00:06:22 S Task 3: Fairly easy task
00:06:30 N "Alright for gathering - I want to go back, there isn't really a easy way to go back"
00:06:50 Q "Lets pick some nice shoes, sneaker, white, let's pick the size"
00:07:30 Q "Let's filter for sale, that's always nice"
00:08:15 Q "Let's pick those, the size, add to the shopping cart - I think this worked. Next some trousers"
00:08:25 Q "Let's say some chinos or something, can I search for chinos - it should be easier to search for chinos"
00:09:04 Q "I can't filter for chinos"
00:09:25 Q "These look nice, in this color maybe, no idea what my actual size is, let's take this one. I can also wear this polo which is already in the shopping cart"
00:09:49 E Task 3: end
00:09:50 S Task 4: Medium difficulty
00:10:05 Q "Alright, it could be nice if I could do it from right here, maybe go to the pay and here create account"
00:11:40 N "It was kinda annoying that I couldn't just create it right from the cart, but I had to try to pay it.
00:11:50 E Task 4: end
00:11:55 S Task 5: More involved task
00:12:14 Q "Is is a specific occation?"
00:12:16 H Facilitator helps by answering question
00:12:19 Q "So no specific color?"
00:12:25 Q "polo shirts men or women?"
00:12:29 H Facilitator helps by answering the question
00:12:50 Q "Maybe under shirts, ok color and inexpensive"
00:13:05 Q "Im gonna sort"
00:13:20 Q "White is nice, and also inexpensive"
00:13:50 Q "I need 15, can I select 15 somewerhe, ok 9 is the max"
00:14:18 Q "It seems like 9 is always the max"
00:14:30 Q "I find it kind of hard to go back to the main page, from the shopping cart - not very intuitive"
00:15:00 Q "Again let's filter for white, the next one is more expensive maybe white wasn't the best option"
00:15:25 F Facilitator prompts the user, that it doesn't have to be the same price, just same color and size
00:15:50 Q "Now let's stick with white"
00:16:00 N "I find it kind of hard to navigate, there is so much going on I'm always searching, even though I already did it 15 times, it is not as easy as I think it should be."
00:16:15 Q "it is not sorted anymore, actually it is"
00:16:30 Q "Let's pick six of those, I cannot immediately pick 6"
00:16:48 Q "Do I checkout everything?"
00:17:14 E Task 5: end
00:17:20 S Start interview
00:17:23 Q "Basically its good that is like a normale onlineshop, if you used some already you know what to do. What I didnt like mostly the thick white boarders on the side, there was a lot of scrolling involved. I always had to search. It is just build liek a normal onlineshop, at the start the most important things are easy accessible. There also was a blog with different kind of information. It was very easily accessible."
00:19:12 Q "Lets say the last one because you couldnt jsut add 15 items in the basket, the max was 9, it was not to easy to get like 15 items."
00:19:40 Q "For the most part yes, there are some stuff which can be and should definitely be improved. "
00:19:53 E End of interview
Table C.6: Transcript of the session capture video for user TP5 "Phil".