Heuristic Evaluation Report

INB.06021UF Human-Computer Interaction 3VU SS 2021

Group G6-01

Anna Glaser
Christof Feischl
Emil Winterleitner
Fabian Burgmann

Evaluation of the Web Site

Graz Tourismus

HE Report of 05th May 2021

1 Executive Summary

The report contains the heuristic evaluation of www.graztourismus.at. First, every evaluator has executed the heuristic evaluation (a specific usability analyzation method, see chapter 3.1) individually using different browsers and on distinct devices and setups. The findings have been documented in log files and supported with short descriptive videos. Finally, the results have been aggregated and ranked by severity.

One crucial negative finding was the misleading and inconsistent design which often lead to confusion. For example: some icons do not flip on sections where it should actually be the case, hyperlinks are not highlighted, some images/text paragraphs are missing, some pictures/elements are cut off, errors are not immediately recognizable, the documentation provided is not applicable and insufficient clarity on how to open or close something (navigation elements, menu options, ...).

Another finding to be improved is the long loading time. Especially with the video on the start page or when downloading brochures, you have to wait a while for the actual task to begin. That is not justifiable with todays' technological possibilities. Regarding the brochures, furthermore, the download size should be stated to avoid unwanted mobile data usage.

There is a lack of orientation, too. A guide to make the first use easier would be nice. For example, a misplaced click takes one to another page. But if one wants to go back, the site is newly loaded and one has to search from the top again. Furthermore, descriptions for abbreviations that a user might not be familiar with should be provided.

Another aspect to be improved was that a number of elements were not displayed completely legibly. The background images were missing behind some of the subtitles and a map was cut off once. Some filter and search options did not perform the expected, intuitive behavior.

Various forms throughout the website lacked correct input validation and it was possible to send the forms with syntactically invalid input.

Last but not least, we listed the missing translation of some parts of the website. If one had set the website's language to English, one would not expect to encounter any german paragraph.

However, the website also offers many outstanding positive features.

As the best feature of the website the section "Our tips" had been selected by the evaluators. This was very helpful for the user and gives a good overview about the most important facts of a selected destination / chosen element.

The second best aspect was the searching function in general. We could go back to the history of our queries and then edit them.

The design of the map and the options (zoom, destinations displayed with background information) were very informative and appealing.

Finally, we selected the watchlist. It can be very helpful if you are planning a trip and want to save the destinations as a PDF and send them to friends by email, for example.

2 Introduction

The usability of the official tourism portal of the city of Graz was inspected using an Heuristic Evaluation. The website provides information on various sight-seeing highlights, events and local restaurants. It proposes shopping adventures as well as trips in and around Graz. In order to convince people visiting Graz and to leave a positive impression, the website should appeal to as many user groups as possible across different societies. To achieve the aims of the portal, usability is of the utmost importance. With the Heuristic Evaluation of this website, we wanted to filter out the positive and negative aspects to ensure a high quality website with a great usability.

3 Evaluation Procedure

3.1 Evaluation Methodology

The heuristic evaluation is a specific method of analysing usability for various types of user interfaces, first described by Jakob Nielsen and Rolf Molich in 1990. A team of so called 'evaluators' systemically checks and analyses the interface design for potential usability-problems taking a small number of different principles into account. For this evaluation, the "Andrews General Usability Heuristics" (based on Nielsen's revised set of ten usability heuristics [Nie1994]), shown in Appendix A.1, will be used.
According to a study conducted by Nielsen and Molich in 1990, it is important to have a whole team of evaluators in order to be able to find as many flaws in the design as possible and to deliver good results. Individuals, in contrast, only found between 20% and 51% of the known problems according to this study. [Nie1990]

An Heuristic Evaluation step by step [And2021, Won2020]:

  1. The design (e.g. the website) is determined and the ten heuristics are presented to the evaluators for analysis. It should be noted that - in order to find as many flaws as possible without a having a huge number of participants - these evaluators are not the end users, already have domain expertise in the field of industry of the product and are experts in usability (so called 'double-experts'). [Nie1992]
  2. At first, evaluators work on their own. Each evaluator searched for potential problems and positive findings. All findings were gathered in a table. In addition, they identify specific parts they want to assess. Afterwards, the noted potential problems were examined in detail.
  3. Then, they should record problems as accurately as possible.
  4. Finally, the findings of all experts were aggregated and again individually rated with respect to the problem's severity such that afterwards a full list, order by severity, can be provided. In the end, the result should be presented to the customer and possible solutions to these problems are discussed.

In relation to other methods, heuristic evaluation is rather cheap and can already be used at the start of the development process of a product. The application is also quite self-explanatory and usually both major and minor problems are identified and dealt with later. Although it can happen that domain-specific problems could possibly be bypassed, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. [And2021]

3.2 User Profiles

The site is trying to acquire as much users as possible who are interested in visiting Graz and / or in getting to know which attractions, sight-seeing spots, restaurants, current events and trip possibilities Graz offers.
Therefore, we can distinguish between the following groups of users:

  1. People not living in Austria, who are likely not speaking german and who are trying to plan a trip to Graz.
  2. Austrian people planning a trip to Graz.
  3. People who are just gathering some information about Graz, with no intention of visiting.
  4. People searching for a specific information on the website.

The goals and tasks of these groups are respectively:

  1. Obtain information on what are the most important sight-seeing spots in Graz, get to know the culture of Graz, probably search for some already planned trip (as detailed knowledge of what can be visited when and how is not present), find an accomodation and organize transportation. Maybe also assess whether a trip to Graz is worth the circumstances.
  2. Obtaining information on what sight-seeing attractions the users have not seen yet. Maybe they do not want to take part in an organized trip but instead explore the city on their own. Furthermore, obtaining information on shopping and restaurant possibilities may be more important to this group than to the first. Apart from that, Austrian visitors tend to have a more concrete expectation and reason from and for visiting Graz than the first group.
  3. People just gathering information about Graz will likely do not want to get a ton of offers for accommodation and currently existing promos in shopping halls but a discrete and full list of e.g. the sight-seeing attractions.
  4. This group of users wants to get the specific information they are looking for as fast as possible without any further distraction and long ways of click through the website.

3.3 Extent of the Evaluation

We evaluated all parts of the website.
In addition to Graz Tourismus, we also had a look at Graz Tourismus Gruppenangebote, Graz Tourismus Kongress und Veranstaltungsservice and Graz Tourismus Advent.

3.4 Evaluators and Evaluation Environments

Each evaluator evaluated the web site with both a mobile web browser and a PC web browser. Mobile devices were operated in portrait mode and PC web browsers in landscape mode. The evaluators used the mobile evaluation environments shown in Table 1 and the PC evaluation environments shown in Table 2.

Evaluator Anna Glaser (AG) Christof Feischl (CF) Emil Winterleitner (EW) Fabian Burgmann (FB)
Age 21 21 21 24
Gender female male male male
Device Sony Xperia XZ3 iPhone Xs iPhone 7 iPhone Xs
OS and Version Android-Version 10 iOS 14.4 iOS 14.4 iOS 14.4.1
Screen Size 6" 5.8" 4.7" 5.85"
Screen Resolution 1440×2880 2436×1125 750×1334 2436×1125
Web Browser Firefox Browser 86.1.1 Safari 14 Google Chrome 87.0.4280.77 Brave 1.23.1
Ad Blocker none none none Brave built-in Ad Blocker
Internet Connection WiFi WiFi WiFi WiFi
Download Speed 38.2 Mbps 72.9 Mbps 106.58 Mbps 26.34 Mbps
Browser Resolution 1440×2880 886x1920 750×1334 886x1920
Screen Recording Software AZ Screen Recorder iOS Screen Recording iOS Screen Recording iOS Screen Recording
Planned Date of Evaluation 2021-03-30 2021-03-30 2021-03-30 2021-03-30
Table 1: The planned mobile evaluation environments to be used by each evaluator.
Evaluator Anna Glaser (AG) Christof Feischl (CF) Emil Winterleitner (EW) Fabian Burgmann (FB)
Age 21 21 21 24
Gender female male male male
Device Medion Erazer X7819 MacBook Pro 2019 MacBook Pro 2019 MacBook Pro 2018
OS and Version Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS macOS BigSur 11.2.2 macOS Catalina 10.15.7 macOS BigSur 11.2.3
Screen Size 17.3" 16" 16" 15.4"
Screen Resolution 1920×1080 3072×1920 3072×1920 2880×1800
Web Browser Mozilla Firefox for Ubuntu canonical - 1.0 Safari 14.0.3 Google Chrome 89.0.4389.90 Microsoft Edge 89.0.774.57
Ad Blocker uBlock Origin AdGuard für Safari Adblock Plus 3.10.2 none
Internet Connection WiFi WiFi WiFi WiFi
Download Speed 38.2 Mbps 72.9 Mbps 106.04 Mbps 29.59 Mbps
Browser Resolution 1834×882 1920×1080 1920×1080 1920×1080
Screen Recording Software OBS Studio 26.1.2 OBS Studio 26.1.2 macOS Screen Recorder macOS Screen Recorder
Planned Date of Evaluation 2021-03-30 2021-03-30 2021-03-30 2021-03-30
Table 2: The planned PC evaluation environments to be used by each evaluator.

Anna (using Ubuntu) and Christof (using macOS) used OBS Studio to make screen recordings with audio commentary. Emil and Fabian on macOS used the built-in macOS screen recorder for creating the recordings.
As far as possible (local restrictions may apply, e.g. Anna's browser resolution does not support Full HD), we recorded with the following settings:
Planned video settings: MP4 Output Video; Resolution: 1920×1080; Frame Rate: 20; Codec: H.264; Rate Control: VBR; Bit Rate: 5000 Kbps.
Planned audio settings: Stereo Codec: AAC; Sample Rate: 44 kHz; Bit Rate: 160 Kbps; Bits per Sample: 32.

All positive and negative findings were recorded seperately and commented accordingly after the first session. In case some findings cannot be reproduced, we extracted the corresponding video clips out of the fully recorded initial session. For this, Anna used LosslessCut 3.32.0 on Ubuntu, whereas, Christof, Emil and Fabian on macOS used QuickTime Player to extract video clips from their screen recordings.

4 Results of the Evaluation

This section describes the results of the heuristic evaluation.

4.1 Top Three Positive Findings

The top three positive findings according to their average (mean) positivity ratings are described in more detail below. The positivity rating scheme used to rank the positive findings is shown in Table 3.

4Extremely Positive
3Major Positive
2Minor Positive
1Cosmetic Positive
0Not a Positive
Table 3: Positivity Ratings.

P01. Our Tipps

The finding is summarized in table 4.

Description Our Tipps is really helpful and easily reachable also it is shown in the right context.
Video Clip(s) p01-fb-pc-pos02-our-tipps.mp4
Location (How Reproducible?) Go to menu - all submenues have different 'Our Tipps'
Mean 3.50
Table 4: The most positive finding.
Figure 1: Demonstrating that "Our Tips" is really helpful and easily reachable

The placement and content of 'Our Tipps' was received really well by all evaluators. Each Menu consistently has a different 'Our Tipps' content and is placed at the same position. As can be seen in Figure 1.

P02. Search History Feature

The finding is summarized in table 5.
Description The search history feature is really nice and old searches can even be deleted.
Video Clip(s) p02-fb-pc-pos04-search-history-feature.mp4
Location (How Reproducible?) Go to start page - search something - search again - a popup with old searches should appear - click on 'X' to remove search entry
Mean 3.50
Table 5: The second best finding.
Figure 2: The Search history is easily usable and offers useful features

The search history works really well and it's a nice bonus that old searches can be deleted, Figure 2 shows it in Action.

P03. Map functionality

The finding is summarized in table 6.

Description All elements in Graz Tourism Webportal which are associated with a specific location can be viewed in a map directly on the according subpage.
Video Clip(s) p03-cf-pc-pos02-map.mp4
Location (How Reproducible?) Go to a restaurant - Open map
Mean 3.50
Table 6: The thrird best finding.
Figure 3: It is possible to directly explore where the element is located using the map

The map that can be found on all of the subpages of the different places is a really nice way to visualize the location in a comfortable way as can be seen in Figure 3.

4.2 List Of All Positive Findings

Table 7 lists all positive findings that were found by our evaluators in descending order.

No. Title Description Video Clip(s) Location (How Reproducible?) Found by Severity rating Mean
1 Our Tipps Our Tipps is really helpful and easily
reachable also it is shown in the right
p01-fb-pc-pos02-our-tipps.mp4 Go to menu - all submenues have different 'Our Tipps' n n y n 3 4 4 3 3.50
2 Search History Feature The search history feature is really
nice and old searches can even be
p02-fb-pc-pos04-search-history-feature.mp4 Go to start page - search something - search again - a popup with old searches should appear - click on 'X' to remove search entry n n y n 3 3 4 4 3.50
3 Map functionality All elements in Graz Tourism Webportal which are associated with a specific location can be viewed in a map directly on the according subpage. p03-cf-pc-pos02-map.mp4 Go to a restaurant - Open map y n n n 4 3 4 3 3.50
4 Watchlist with save as PDF and send via Mail functionality Throughout the Graz Tourism web portal you can add elements to the watchlist. Afterwards, you can print the remembered elements or send it to your mail for late use and easily finding the elements again. p04-cf-pc-pos01-watchlist.mp4
Go to start page - somewhere and add various elements (like restaurants) to the watchlist - watchlist - save as PDF y n n y 3 4 3 3 3.25
5 Good error handling in form When you try to order a brochure and you have forgotten to fill in e.g. your first name, the site jumps up to the field, highlights it and remarks that you have to fill in the first name. p05-cf-mob-pos02-form-error-handling.mp4 Go to Service - Good to know - Order a brochure y n n n 3 3 4 3 3.25
6 Searching for venues When searching for a bar or other location, one can easily filter out unwanted results.
Searching for specific places is made easy that way.
p06-ew-pc-pos01-search.mp4 Go to Eat & Drink - Restaurant Guide Search n n n y 3 3 3 3 3.00
7 Hotels and Apartments - Easy going back When choosing a hotel and clicking on it in order to have a closer look, you can then just press the back button of your browser or click "Back to search results" and you get back to exactly the location where you have been at before. p07-cf-mob-pos01-easy-going-back.mp4 Go to Hotels and Apartments - Hotels - Choose a page - Click on a hotel - Go back y n n n 3 2 3 3 2.75
8 Same design helps the user The design is pretty much the same on all subpages.
Everywhere there are subsections that you can open and close immediately or that you can click directly on via the category.
So everything is relatively clear for the user.
p08-ag-pc-pos03-samedesignsubpages.mp4 Go to start page n y n n 2 4 3 1 2.50
9 Navigation across subpages The directory like structure allows to
navigate the website in a pleasant way
p09-ag-mob-pos02-goodbackoption.mp4 Go to a subpage - see navigation line in the upper part of the website (above subsection) n y y n 3 3 2 2 2.50
10 Messages - Easy go back The Messages box opens and closes
without changing the websites current
state (reloading/changing website)
p10-fb-mob-pos01-messageseasy-go-back.mp4 Go to start page - messages (left-bottom corner) - use it - close n n y y 2 2 3 3 2.50
11 Connection to map If you click on the name of the destination, you can see the location on the map to the right.
You not only have the description of the destination, but also the location.
p11-ag-pc-pos01-connectionmapanddestination.mp4 Go to start page n y n y 2 2 1 2 1.75
12 Adjusting the width When you rotate your mobile phone no space gets wasted by the website.
Then, the searching bar gets wider and some sections adapt to the new width.
p12-ag-mob-pos03-adjustingwidth.mp4 Go to start page n y n n 1 2 2 1 1.50
13 Getting feedback when loading the video If you want to watch the video and click on it, you can watch the progress of the loading of the video via busy cursor.
This makes you feel more informed because you get feedback from the website.
p13-ag-pc-pos02-watchprogress.mp4 Go to start page n y n n 2 2 1 1 1.50
14 Home button redirect Home button redirects to same website p14-ew-mob-pos01-home-button.mp4 Go to start page - somewhere - click on the 'home'-button n n n y 1 1 0 1 0.75
15 Icon size The size for the + and - (expand / collapse) icons is the same size. p15-ew-mob-pos02-icons.mp4 Go to start page - menu entry to expand / collapse it n n n y 0 1 0 1 0.50
16 Quick navigation at destinations If you want to get more information about the destination at "Sightseeing - Top 10", you will be linked to the corresponding See & Do page.
You can watch a video there.
A route planner with google.maps is also linked and offers fast navigation.
p16-ag-mob-pos01-quicknavigation.mp4 Go to start page - see and do - sightseeing - sights - Landhaus Courtyard n y n n 0 1 0 0 0.25
Table 7: The list of all positive findings.

4.3 Top Five Negative Findings

The top five problems according to their average (mean) severity ratings are described in more detail below. Problem number 1 is the problem (negative finding) with the highest mean severity. The severity rating scheme used to rank the problems is shown in Table 8.

4Catastophic problem
3Serious problem
2Minor problem
1Cosmetic problem
0Not a problem
Table 8: Severity ratings.

N01. Watchlist deleted after sending

The finding is summarized in table 9.

Description When sending the watchlist to an email address, the watchlist is then deleted automatically (reset). If you misspelled the email address or the email address does not reach out to you, then the watchlist has been lost completely and can not be easily resent.
Video Clip(s) n01-cf-mob-neg12-watchlist-deleted-after-sending.mp4
Heuristic A05 Error Prevention
Location (How Reproducible?) Go to start page - somewhere and add items to the watchlist - Send it to a (syntactically correct) email address
Mean 4.00
Table 9: The biggest problem found.
Figure 4: Sending the watchlist automatically resets the watchlist

The watchlist sending via email is a good idea, but the watchlist is deleted after sending. If the user later wants to edit it again or if he mispelled the email, he has to start from scratch. The Problem can be seen in Figure 4.

N02. Sending the form with wrong information is possible

The finding is summarized in table 10.
Description The form for ordering brochures gets sent with obviously wrong information like with entered text instead of numbers for the zip code. No further verification of the entered data is done and mistakes by the user cannot be reviewed.
Video Clip(s) n02-cf-pc-neg14-sending-invalid-form.mp4
Heuristic A05 Error Prevention
Location (How Reproducible?) Go to Good to know - Service - Order Brochures - Enter text instead of numbers for the zip code
Mean 3.75
Table 10: The second biggest flaw found.
Figure 5: Sending the form with syntactically invalid input is possible

The data entered in the ordering brochures form should be checked for validity where it can be. Maybe with a red border around wrongly entered data, and if the user clicks 'send' it could show an alert that some data is wrong. See Figure 5.

N03. Suggested Drag and Drop does not work

The finding is summarized in table 11.

Description The help / documentation provided on the site is not applicable, i.e. it does not work as described.
Video Clip(s) n03-cf-pc-neg21-drag-and-drop.mp4
Heuristic A10 Help and Documentation
Location (How Reproducible?) Go to start page - somewhere and add items to the watchlist - go to the watchlist
Mean 3.75
Table 11: The third worst negative finding.
Figure 6: The documentation for the watchlist is not applicable

The Drag&Drop reordering as suggested in the documentation does not work, the user can drag items, but on release nothing happens. See Figure 6.

N04. English version misses correct translations

The finding is summarized in table 12.

Description When switching to the English version of Graz Tourism, some parts have not been translated accordingly.
Video Clip(s) n04-cf-pc-neg30-missing-translations.mp4
Heuristic A02 Speak the Users' Language, A04 Consistency
Location (How Reproducible?) "Go to Graz Tourism - English - Imprint
Go to Graz Tourism - English - Data Protection
Go to Graz Tourism - English - Chat
Go to Graz Tourism - B2B - English
Go to Congress - planning organization - conference subsidies
Go to watchlist - Navigation bar
Go to start page - live chat symbol
Go to start page - eat and drink - Restaurant guide - Restaurant guide search - For the last tickbox the translation is missing"
Mean 3.75
Table 12: The fourth negative finding.
Figure 7: The English version lacks correct translation (pc videos)
Figure 8: The English version lacks correct translation (mobile videos)

Some parts of the english website are not translated. In some cases it redirects the user to the german website and he has to change the language back to english. See Figures 7 and 8.

N05. Error message not well visible

The finding is summarized in table 13.

Description When entering a wrong verification code into the form for ordering brochures, the error message appears out of the user's field of view. The user has to scroll up to see the error message.
Video Clip(s) n05-cf-pc-neg13-message-out-of-view.mp4
Heuristic A09 Good Error Messages
Location (How Reproducible?) Go to Good to know - Service - Order Brochures
Mean 3.25
Table 13: The fifth biggest flaw found.
Figure 9: Error message is displayed out of the user's view if wrong verification code was entered

When entering a wrong verification code and submitting the ordering form, the error message appeares at the top of the form. The user has to scroll up to see it, to solve it the error message could appear as an alert or next to the 'submit' button. See Figure 9.

4.4 List Of All Negative Findings

Table 14 lists all negative findings that were found by our evaluators in descending order.

No. Title Description Video Clip(s) Heuristic Only on Browser / OS Location (How Reproducible?) Found by Severity rating Mean
1 Watchlist deleted after sending When sending the watchlist to an email address, the watchlist is then deleted automatically (reset). If you misspelled the email address or the email address does not reach out to you, then the watchlist has been lost completely and can not be easily resent. n01-cf-mob-neg12-watchlist-deleted-after-sending.mp4 A05 Error Prevention Go to start page - somewhere and add items to the watchlist - Send it to a (syntactically correct) email address y n n n 4 4 4 4 4.00
2 Sending the form with wrong information is possible The form for ordering brochures gets sent with obviously wrong information like with entered text instead of numbers for the zip code. No further verification of the entered data is done and mistakes by the user cannot be reviewed. n02-cf-pc-neg14-sending-invalid-form.mp4 A05 Error Prevention Go to Good to know - Service - Order Brochures - Enter text instead of numbers for the zip code y n n n 4 4 3 4 3.75
3 Suggested Drag and Drop does not work The help / documentation provided on the site is not applicable, i.e. it does not work as described. n03-cf-pc-neg21-drag-and-drop.mp4
A10 Help and Documentation Go to start page - somewhere and add items to the watchlist - go to the watchlist y n n y 4 3 4 4 3.75
4 English version misses correct translations When switching to the English version of Graz Tourism, some parts have not been translated accordingly. n04-cf-pc-neg30-missing-translations.mp4
A02 Speak the Users' Language, A04 Consistency Go to Graz Tourism - English - Imprint
Go to Graz Tourism - English - Data Protection
Go to Graz Tourism - English - Chat
Go to Graz Tourism - B2B - English
Go to Congress - planning organization - conference subsidies
Go to watchlist - Navigation bar
Go to start page - live chat symbol
Go to start page - eat and drink - Restaurant guide - Restaurant guide search - For the last tickbox the translation is missing
y y y y 4 4 4 3 3.75
5 Error message not well visible When entering a wrong verification code into the form for ordering brochures, the error message appears out of the user's field of view. The user has to scroll up to see the error message. n05-cf-pc-neg13-message-out-of-view.mp4 A09 Good Error Messages Go to Good to know - Service - Order Brochures y n n n 3 3 4 3 3.25
6 Sending unvalidated form is possible The form for ordering group trip brochures ("manuals") can be submitted without choosing the brochure to be ordered and without having entered syntactically correct data. This may lead to unintentional errors. n06-cf-pc-neg27-sending-unvalidated-form.mp4 A05 Error Prevention Go to Graz Touristik - Good to Know - Group manual/group trip brochures y n n n 4 4 2 3 3.25
7 Random ordering in the Shopping Guide If you open an entry in the Shopping Guide and want to go back via the browser's back button then you come back to the Shopping Guide. However, the entries are now ordered in a different way and you have to look through all again. n07-cf-mob-neg13-shopping-guide-order.mp4 A03 Reversible Actions Go to Shopping & Lifestyle - Shopping Guide - Choose one - Go back via the browser's back button y n n n 4 3 3 3 3.25
8 Contradictory information provided On the bottom of the page it says "Mo - So 10.00 - 17.00". However, in the Service section it is specified that we can reach out to the office by phone Mo - Fr 09:00 - 17:00 and Sa - So 10:00 - 17:00. n08-cf-pc-neg09-inconsistency-office-hours.mp4 A04 Consistency Go to Good to know - Service - Information Bureau and then scroll down to the bottom of the page y n n n 3 4 2 3 3.00
9 Navigation cannot be opened In the Social Media Channel, the navigation menu item is visible as usual. However, you cannot open the navigation anymore. n09-cf-mob-neg26-navigation-opening-issue.mp4 A04 Consistency Go to Good to know - Social Media & Co - Social Media Channel y n n n 3 3 3 3 3.00
10 Image cut off The image of the Austrian motorways is embedded in such a way that Graz is not visible. The user has to download the image to be able to see the motorways around Graz. n10-cf-mob-neg27-image-cut-off.mp4 A08 Aesthetic and Minimalist Design Go to Graz Touristik - Good to know - Directions to Graz y n n n 3 3 3 3 3.00
11 Map not optimized for mobile When using the map on a mobile device one notices that the map is not optimitzed for mobile usage.
Having a look at a restaurant and opening the map, you can see where the restaurant is located. If you then close the map and open it again later on (without refreshing the page), then the map has zoomed in drastically such that you have to zoom out a lot before being able to see something sensible again.
When opening a popup in the map, it opens in a way that the content is not visible/partially visible and it is not possible to arrange it in a readable way
A04 Consistency
A07 - Flexibility and Efficiency of Use
Go to Graz Touristik - Good to know - Restaurants suitable for groups - Choose one
Go to watchlist/place - open map - click on place in map
y n y y 3 2 4 3 3.00
12 Missing information in map Some places in the map have no
information associated with them
n12-fb-pc-neg26-missing-information-in-map.mp4 A02 - Speak the User's Language Go to a venues site (e.g. Aiola im Schloss) - open the map - Information should be undefined n n y n 3 3 3 3 3.00
13 On site search only searches current website If one wants to search Christmas related topics on the main page he will not find the desired results. n13-ew-mob-neg07-search.mp4 A10 Help and Documentation Go to the main page - search for a christmas topic n n n y 3 3 3 3 3.00
14 Filtering with keywords Although at least five brochures have the keyword "Graz" already on their cover, when filtering for "Graz", we only obtain three brochures. As the keyword filtering is not explained, I cannot make up how it works as my first intuition seems to not be applicable. n14-cf-pc-neg12-unexpected-filter-behavior.mp4 A02 Speak the Users' Language Go to Good to know - Service - Brochures y n n n 2 3 4 2 2.75
15 No lazy loading with images provided The page tries to load all images (thumbnails of the images) at once. Therefore, long waiting times occur. n15-cf-pc-neg17-no-image-lazy-loading.mp4 A01 Feedback Go to Good to know - Social Media & Co - Image database - Fast Access y n n n 3 3 2 3 2.75
16 Misleading wording In the watchlist you can click "Show further filters" and then the possibilities to save the watchlist as PDF and send it via mail get revealed. n16-cf-mob-neg03-misleading-wording.mp4
A02 Speak the Users' Language Go to watchlist - Show further filters y n y y 3 3 4 3 2.75
17 Going back implies a reload When having a closer look at a specific event and then going back again, the previous page is loaded again and jumps up to the top of the page. n17-cf-mob-neg06-going-back-jumps.mp4 A03 Reversible Actions Go to See & Do - Events - Choose one - Go back again y n n n 3 2 4 2 2.75
18 Viewing Watchlist leads to context switch When viewing the watchlist from e.g. Graz Touristik sub section of the Graz Tourism portal, you switch back to the main Graz Tourism portal and are no longer in the previous sub section (e.g. Graz Touristik) without any information, so the user might wonder why the navigation now looks different. n18-cf-mob-neg29-watchlist-context-switch.mp4 A02 Speak the Users' Language Go to Graz Touristik - watchlist y n n y 2 3 3 3 2.75
19 Missing part of the subsection At the category "Good to know" under the section "social-media-co/social-media-channel", there should be four possibilites (facebook, instagram, webcam and YouTube).
At portrait mode, you can only see the sections "facebook", "instagram" and "YouTube" with pictures and plugins. The whole "Webcam" section is missing.
On the other hand, if you put the mobile phone at landscape mode, you can see all four sections.
n19-ag-mob-neg08-missingpart.mp4 A04 Consistency Firefox Android [on other Browser-OS combinations the "Webcam"-section is not visible at all, neither in protrait, nor in landscape mode] Go to Good to know - social media and co - social media channel n y n n 3 4 2 2 2.75
20 Favorites - No Feedback It doesn't give any feedback when
adding an item to favorites, besides
changing the icon. Thus it is not clear
what difference it makes.
n20-fb-pc-neg01-favoritesno-feedback.mp4 A05 - Error Preventio Go to watchlist - add to favorites n n y n 3 2 4 2 2.75
21 Booking.com not mentioned It is nowhere mentioned that the
booking box is from booking.com
n21-fb-mob-neg17-booking.com-not-mentioned.mp4 A02 - Speak the User's Language Go to the main page - scroll down until booking box n n y n 2 2 4 3 2.75
22 Loading a video takes very long Although a busy cursor and some loading symbol is provided, loading a short video takes longer than a user would accept it to do. n22-cf-pc-neg02-video-loading-time.mp4 A01 Feedback Go to start page - "Graz Video" y n n n 3 3 2 2 2.50
23 404 Error Message when wrong email entered In case you enter a wrong email to which your watchlist should be sent to, you get an 404 error. This error is actually meant for another kind of error and does not provide sensible error information. n23-cf-pc-neg22-404-error-message.mp4 A09 Good error messages Go to start page - somewhere and add items to the watchlist - go to the watchlist - enter "a" for the mail address - click "Send email" y n n y 3 4 1 2 2.50
24 Going back leads to a jump On the homepage, when clicking on an event and going back again, the site jumps back to a different point on the homepage and you have to scroll down again. n24-cf-pc-neg03-jumping-when-going-back.mp4 A03 Reversible Actions Only on Safari Go to TOP EVENTS - select one - go back again y n n n 2 2 3 2 2.25
25 Last nav element needs special treatment Usually, all side navigation elements can be opened by clicking on their name. However, the last element ("our tips") can only be expanded when clicking on the plus symbol. n25-cf-pc-neg08-inconsistency-last-nav-element.mp4 A04 Consistency Go to See & Do - last element of the side navigation y y n y 2 3 2 2 2.25
26 Abbreviation not explained In the Service section it says "Mo - So/Ft: 10.00 - 17.00 Uhr" where "Ft" is an abbreviation nowhere explained and which I do not know. n26-cf-pc-neg10-unexplained-abbreviation.mp4 A02 Speak the Users' Language Go to Good to know - Service - Information Bureau y n n n 2 3 2 2 2.25
27 Webcam counterintuitive Regarding the second webcam on the webcam sub-page, you cannot go to full screen as suggested by the icon. Furthermore, it is counterintuitive how to play the video linked to the sight-seeing spot. n27-cf-pc-neg15-webcam-counterintuitive.mp4 A02 Speak the Users' Language Go to Good to know - Service - Webcam Graz - Second webcam y n n n 3 2 2 2 2.25
28 Ordering of brochures The brochures of the city magazines are not ordered in an obvious way. The user has to go through all when searching for a specific brochure. n28-cf-pc-neg25-city-magainze-brochure-ordering.mp4 A02 Speak the Users' Language Go to Shopping & Lifestyle - Good to Know - City Magazines y n n n 3 1 3 2 2.25
29 Content cut off Some links are cut off and the user cannot read where the link redirection will lead to in the Data Protection page. Furthermore, the statistics of the capacities of the hotels in Graz is cut off too in Graz Congress section. n29-cf-mob-neg08-links-cut-off.mp4 A08 Aesthetic and Minimalist Design Go to start page - section 'Data Protection' / 'Datenschutzbestimmungen' - Scroll down to the first clickable links
Go to Graz Congress (Convention Bureau) - Planning and Organisation - Graz Convention Bureau
y n n n 3 2 2 2 2.25
30 Cookie consent message If you want to order gift cards for the city of Graz, you go to the corresponding page and have to type in how many gift cards you would like to order. If you type in a number for the first time in this session, then you are redirected to another page which says that cookies may now be saved by Safari although not explicitly accepted for this specific page and the message is shown only a short amount of time such that you cannot read it. n30-cf-mob-neg17-cookie-consent-message.mp4 A01 Feedback Go to Shopping & Lifestyle - Graz City Gift cards - Order Graz City Gift Cards - Enter a number in the field of how many gift cards you want to order
(In the meanwhile has the function been deactivated)
y n n n 3 2 2 2 2.25
31 Autofill in the brochure form does not work When trying to order a brochure, the autofill is not fully working. E.g. the first name and last name fields cannot be autofilled automatically (whereas the zip code works as expected). n31-cf-mob-neg23-form-autofill.mp4 A07 Flexibility and Efficiency of Use iPhone using Safari Go to Good to know - Service - Order a brochure y n n n 2 1 4 2 2.25
32 Missing prices At "Incoming" under the section "programme-suggestions", there is no price information, although there is the € symbol. n32-ag-mob-neg10-missingprices.mp4 A06 Recognition Rather Than Recall Go to Groups - programme suggestions n y n y 2 3 1 3 2.25
33 Advents Map Newly opened popups/places open below
the previous popup and overlay parts of
it, this causes them to also show
outside of the map region
n33-fb-pc-neg28-advents-map.mp4 A08 - Aesthetic and Minimalist Design Go to Graz Advent subpage - scroll down - open the map - open a second map n n y n 3 2 2 2 2.25
34 Printing will cut off content Although the option to print is presented explicitly on the "Our Team"-page, it will not work nicely as on the second page, one row of people will be cut off. n34-cf-pc-neg06-printing-cut-off.mp4 A08 Aesthetic and Minimalist Design Only on Safari Go to Good to know - Our Team - "Print this page" y n n n 2 3 1 2 2.00
35 Download starts without stating the size When downloading a brochure, you do not have any information on how large the download will be. When having download restrictions, it may be important to know that the download will have e.g. about 10 MB in advance. n35-cf-pc-neg24-download-size-not-stated.mp4 A05 Error Prevention Go to Good To Know - Service - Brochures - Download y n n n 3 2 1 2 2.00
36 Add to watchlist - reversible If a place is added to the watchlist, it
is not possible to undo it without doing
so in the watchlist
n36-fb-pc-neg04-add-to-watchlistreversible.mp4 A03 - Reversible Acions Go to place - scroll down till save to watchlist button - click - scroll down again n n y n 2 1 3 2 2.00
37 More Events - Long loading Opening the more events page takes a
long time compared to other pages on
A01 - Feedback Go to start page - Events - Click 'more events' n n y y 3 2 1 2 2.00
38 URL not shortened when printing When storing the watchlist as a PDF, users might print the PDF and if they want to get further information later on again, they have to enter the full URL of this sightseeing-spot. URL shortening would have led to more efficiency. n38-cf-pc-neg23-url-shortening-for-printing.mp4 A07 Flexibility and Efficiency of Use Go to start page - somewhere and add items to the watchlist - go to the watchlist - give it a name and store it as a PDF y n n n 2 2 1 2 1.75
39 Navigation inconsistency Usually, in the side navigation we have subcategories for the main category we have chosen in the upper head navigation. But this convention is broken within the Congress and Exhibition Calendar category. n39-cf-pc-neg28-navigation-inconsistency.mp4 A04 Consistency Go to Graz Congress - Congress and Exhibition Calendar y n n n 2 2 1 2 1.75
40 Dropdown menu not easy to close The specified dropdown menu can only be closed by clicking somewhere else on the page but not by clicking on the dropdown button itself again. n40-cf-mob-neg01-dropdown-closing.mp4 A02 Speak the Users' Language Go to Graz Tourism Homepage - 'our websites' / 'weitere Portale' dropdown menu y n n y 2 2 1 2 1.75
41 Clickable symbol covered On the bottom of the page, there is a symbol which is clickable but very hard to reach as the red chat symbol almost all of the time covers the other symbol. n41-cf-mob-neg04-symbol-covered.mp4 A08 Aesthetic and Minimalist Design Go to Do & See - Choose a sight - scroll down to the bottom y n n n 1 2 2 2 1.75
42 Watchlist with zero elements When trying to save an empty watchlist as a PDF, the site opens a new tab as if it were working. However, the site neither generates an error message nor an empty PDF. n42-cf-mob-neg10-watchlist-zero-elements.mp4 A09 Good Error Messages Go to the Watchlist without having added elements - Save the watchlist as a PDF y n n n 2 2 1 2 1.75
43 Click outside The menu popup doesn't allow clicking
outside, but the search popup does
n43-fb-mob-neg07-click-outside.mp4 A04 - Consistency Go to the menu - click outside - close menu - click search - click outside n n y n 2 2 1 2 1.75
44 Place icon buttons The icon buttons of places do not look
different if they are clickable or not,
for example the accessible button is
not clickable, but the family button is
n44-fb-mob-neg12-place-icon-buttons.mp4 A04 - Consistency Only on the english site Go to a place - scroll down - click accessible - nothing happens - click on family - family website opens n n y n 2 1 3 1 1.75
45 Navigation issue with 'home'-symbol The 'home'-symbol in the navigation is clickable in a position where it seems like I would click on another navigation point. This issue only occurs for the left-most navigation entry in the main navigation on top of the site. n45-cf-pc-neg01-navigation-home-symbol.mp4 A02 Speak the Users' Language Go to 'home'-symbol (in the vertical middle) until right until the navigation menu is opened y n n n 1 2 2 1 1.50
46 Inconsistency with opening images in full screen As learned throughout the website, the yellow rectangle with the black arrow in it in the right-bottom corner of the image suggests that you can click the image and open it in full screen. However, this does not work in the presented representation. n46-cf-pc-neg16-full-screen-images-consistency.mp4
A04 Consistency Go to Good to know - Service - BackCup
Go to Eat and drink - Events - Styrian Menues - scroll down - click on yellow arrow button
y n y n 2 1 2 1 1.50
47 Sliding window inconsistency On the homepage, in the second window you can slide through the content. However, in the first window which looks exactly the same you cannot slide, you have to click the left / right buttons. n47-cf-mob-neg02-sliding-window-inconsistency.mp4 A04 Consistency Go to Graz Tourism - First two sliding windows y n y n 1 2 1 2 1.50
48 Search function is not visible everywhere If you are looking for someting in the search bar, the URL path to "good-to-know" is opened and then searched for and displayed everywhere.
On the other hand, if you go in via the menu tab on the main website via "good-to-know", you won't see any search entry where to look.
n48-ag-pc-neg04-searching.mp4 A04 Consistency Go to Good to know n y n y 2 2 1 1 1.50
49 Missing picture or preview at facebook At the category "Good to know" under the section "social-media-co/social-media-channel", there are four possibilites (facebook, instagram, webcam and YouTube).
A picture or preview at Facebook is missing.
n49-ag-pc-neg17-missingatfacebook.mp4 A04 Consistency Firefox Ubuntu Go to Good to know - social media and co - social media channel n y n n 2 2 1 1 1.50
50 Not interactable area In Graz advent, two image boxes that
redirect to a subpage when clicked on do
not respond to click on the upper half
of the control.
n50-fb-pc-neg20-not-interactable-area.mp4 / Edge Go to Christmas - scroll down to Christmas Highlights - Click on the upper area of one of the two rightmost boxes n n y n 2 1 2 1 1.50
51 Our website - open tab/open in same tab The websites in 'Our websites' open the
selected website in a new tab, except if
you select 'Graz Tourism'
n51-fb-pc-neg23-our-websiteopen-tab-open-in-same-tab.mp4 A04 - Consistenc Go to 'Our Websites' - notice how website is opened n n y n 1 2 2 1 1.50
52 Cookies - unclear hyperlinks The hyperlinks in the cookies
notification are unclear, they look
like they belong together (one
hyperlink) but they are two different
n52-fb-mob-neg14-cookiesunclear-hyperlinks.mp4 A08 - Aesthetic and Minimalist Design Go to the website with deleted browser data - check the notification at the botton n n y n 2 2 1 1 1.50
53 Links not highlighted nor clickable Usually, links are highlighted in a specific way and are made clickable throughout the website. However, in the data protection information text the convention was broken. n53-cf-pc-neg05-links-not-highlighted.mp4 A04 Consistency Go to start page - section 'Data Protection' / 'Datenschutzbestimmungen'. y n n n 1 2 1 1 1.25
54 Background image missing Usually, all subpages of that specific kind have background images. However, these subpages do not. n54-cf-pc-neg07-background-image-missing.mp4
A04 Consistency Go to Good to know - About us - Tourism Coach
Go to Shopping & lifestyle - our tips - Casino Graz
Go to travel and transport - getting here - by caravan
y y n n 1 1 2 1 1.25
55 Clickable button does nothing In the calendar view of the events, there is a clickable button with an arrow down symbol. However, the button does nothing. n55-cf-pc-neg20-clickable-button-doing-nothing.mp4 A04 Consistency Go to See & Do - Events - Event calendar - Calendar View - Choose a date y n n n 1 2 1 1 1.25
56 Description might be missing At the top on the right side there is the button "watchlist". But there is no description and no further instructions. n56-ag-pc-neg02-watchlistdescription.mp4 A10 Help and Documentation Go to watchlist n y n n 1 2 1 1 1.25
57 Different tips on the subpage In the middle at the section "Our tips", there are four suggestions ("Graz tourist information", "webcam", "Just arrived?", "Corona information").
If you click on "more information", you come to the subpage "see-and-do" and get the tips from there, but they are not the same as the suggestions on the main page.
n57-ag-pc-neg05-differenttips.mp4 A04 Consistency Go to See & Do n y n n 1 2 1 1 1.25
58 Unnecessary subsections of events At the category "See & Do" under the section "events", almost all of the subsections lead to the "Event calendar".
Only the category to be selected has adapted to the subsection. These subsections can be left out.
n58-ag-pc-neg12-unnecessarysubsections.mp4 A08 Aesthetic and Minimalist Design Go to See & Do - events - Event calendar n y n n 2 1 1 1 1.25
59 Missing additional description at subtitle At the category "Shopping & Lifestyle" under the section "markets/flea-markets", there is a lonely subtitle "Markets off Fröhlichgasse street at the Grazer Messe parking lot".
There is not any text/description, picture or link.
n59-ag-pc-neg15-lonelysubtitle.mp4 A10 Help and Documentation Go to Shopping and lifestyle - markets - flea-markets
(Make sure to switch to the English version; does not occur in the German version)
n y n n 1 1 2 1 1.25
60 Christmas Graz Menu - Items placement The items placement in the menu of
Christmas Graz Website has no real
structure, items seem randomly placed
with unpleasant gaps between them
n60-fb-pc-neg18-christmas-graz-menuitems-placement.mp4 A08 - Aesthetic and Minimalist Design Go to Christmas Graz - Hover over menu n n y y 2 1 1 1 1.25
61 Empty menues Even if a menu has no items it shows the
expandable button
n61-fb-pc-neg31-empty-menues.mp4 / Go to Hotels & Appartements - look at the sidebar - expand and collapse Graz Packages n n y n 1 2 1 1 1.25
62 Sightseeing - different behaviours The Sightseeing control on
graztourismus behaves differntly if
it is fully loaded or not, if it is fully
loaded places are opened as popups
inside the Sightseeing area. If it is
not fully loaded places are opened like
a link.
n62-fb-pc-neg32-sightseeingdifferent-behaviours.mp4 / Go to the main page - scroll down - click on a place in sightseeing - again go to main page - scroll down - click on a place in sightseeing (make sure to be fast) n n y n 1 2 1 1 1.25
63 Icons should flip by convention On the homepage, usually all icons adhering to this type of link flip when hovering over them. With one such link this mechanism is broken. n63-cf-pc-neg04-icon-not-flipping.mp4 A04 Consistency Only on Safari Go to start page - section "Sightseeing - Top 10" - hover over the link in the right bottom corner y n n n 1 1 1 1 1.00
64 Broken alignment of brochures Not all brochures are aligned in the same way, therefore, it seems broken to the user. n64-cf-pc-neg11-brochure-alignment.mp4 A08 Aesthetic and Minimalist Design Only on Safari Go to Good to know - Service - Brochures y n n n 1 1 1 1 1.00
65 Typo in best times for visiting When having a look at when to do this trip in Graz, it says "best time" where March is stated twice and February no single time. n65-cf-pc-neg18-typo-visiting-time.mp4 A04 Consistency Go to See & Do - Trips around Graz - Choose one - Scroll down y n n n 1 1 1 1 1.00
66 Redirection to Facebook site where other behavior expected When clicking on an item in the side navigation, we usually get to a site of the Graz Tourism platform. However, in this case we instantly get to a Facebook site. n66-cf-pc-neg19-facebook-redirection.mp4 A04 Consistency Go to See & Do - Guided tours - Graz Rikscha y n n n 1 1 1 1 1.00
67 Accommodation legend needs to be remembered When going to the accommodation overview a legend is provided. When switching to e.g. the Hotel section, this legend is no longer presented. n67-cf-pc-neg26-legend-memorization.mp4 A06 Recognition Rather Than Recall Go to Hotels & Appartements - Accommodation overview and then switch to Hotel y n n n 1 1 1 1 1.00
68 Side Navigation Highlighting convention broken In Advent in Graz under Christmas Markets the selected sub-sub-categories, like "Hauptplatz" are usually marked as being selected when having clicked on them. However, this convention is broken here. n68-cf-pc-neg29-navigation-highlighting-broken.mp4 A04 Consistency Go to Graz Advent - Christmas markets - Choose a sub element like "Hauptplatz" y n n n 1 1 1 1 1.00
69 Drop down element with only one element After having selected a shop in the shopping guide, you are presented with a dropdown menu. In this dropdown menu you have only one possible selection. The user might ask what the dropdown menu is for. n69-cf-mob-neg14-dropdown-one-element.mp4 A08 Aesthetic and Minimalist Design Go to Shopping & Lifestyle - Shopping Guide - Choose one y n n n 1 1 1 1 1.00
70 Discover Graz Image not clickable Usually, you can click on the whole image in order to open the respective page. However, on the homepage, for the first entry "Discover Graz" the image is not clickable and you have to click on the text. n70-cf-mob-neg20-image-not-clickable.mp4 A04 Consistency Go to Graz Tourism - First image vs second image underneath y n y n 1 1 1 1 1.00
71 Other naming might be confusing At the top of the main page, if you click on the subpage "Christmas", a new page is loaded, but with URL ".../advent".
The other naming might be confusing for people who e.g. don't know the word "Advent".
n71-ag-pc-neg01-othernaming.mp4 A02 Speak the Users’ Language Go to Christmas n y n n 1 1 1 1 1.00
72 Different sizes of "+" and "-" On all categories from the menu bar, on the left side, there are the different menu registers/sections.
The "+" symbol is bigger than the "-" symbol if the section is open.
n72-ag-pc-neg11-minussize.mp4 A04 Consistency Go to See & Do n y n n 1 1 1 1 1.00
73 Events - Text too long The text of some events boxes doesn't
fit in the box and is not ended with an
ellipse(... for example)
n73-fb-pc-neg05-eventstext-too-long.mp4 A08 - Aesthetic and Minimalist Design Go to start page (Congress/Tourism/...) - scroll down till violet boxes n n y n 1 1 1 1 1.00
74 Search icon border The border around the search icon is not
aligned correctly, the border sticks
to the icon on the left side
n74-fb-pc-neg21-search-icon-border.mp4 / Edge Go to start page - search icon in the search bar n n y n 1 1 1 1 1.00
75 Map - unclear icons The map has two icons on the top, it looks
like both are clickable, but they
belong to the same button => same action
n75-fb-mob-neg13-mapunclear-icons.mp4 A08 - Aesthetic and Minimalist Design Go to watchlist - open the map - click on icons - map closes no matter where clicked n n y n 1 1 2 0 1.00
76 Expandable menu If you are on a subpage and you open the
menu, you can collapse menu entries.
But if you collapse the item you are
currently in, the menu item collapses
but the icon does not change to a + sign
n76-fb-mob-neg15-expandable-menu.mp4 / Go to a page with a menu - click on it - collapse it n n y n 1 1 1 1 1.00
77 Hover of preview buttons If you click on an arrow in the preview,
the button is highlighted and stays
that way until clicked elsewhere
n77-fb-mob-neg16-hover-of-preview-buttons.mp4 / Go to the main page - scroll to first preview - click on the arrow n n y n 1 1 1 1 1.00
78 Open map button When clicking open map, the open map
button stays and an additional close
map button becomes visible, only one of
the two should be visible at a time
n78-fb-pc-neg27-open-map-button.mp4 A08 - Aesthetic and Minimalist Design Go to the watchlist - open the map n n y n 1 1 1 0 0.75
79 Omit unnecessary designation At the upper right corner on the main page and on all subpages, "Italian" and "Deutsch" are enough.
"Languages" before these words is not necessary.
In this case it complements the pattern, e.g. also for "Our websites", but it can be omitted because it is self-explanatory anyway.
n79-ag-pc-neg03-languages.mp4 A08 Aesthetic and Minimalist Design Go to start page n y n n 0 0 1 0 0.25
Table 14: The list of all negative findings.


Keith Andrews; Human-Computer Interaction Course Notes; http://courses.iicm.tugraz.at/hci/hci.pdf Visited 2021-03-13
Jakob Nielsen and Rolf Molich; Heuristic Evaluation of User Interfaces; Proc. Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI’90). ACM. Seattle, Washington, USA, Apr 1990, pages 249–256. doi:10.1145/97243.97281
Jakob Nielsen; Finding Usability Problems Through Heuristic Evaluation; Proc. Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI’92). ACM. Monterey, California, USA, May 1992, pages 373–380. doi:10.1145/142750.142834
Jakob Nielsen; Enhancing the Exploratory Power of Usability Heuristics; Proc. Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI’94). ACM. Boston, Massachusetts, USA, Apr 1994, pages 152–158. doi:10.1145/191666.191729
Euphemia Wong; Heuristic Evaluation: How to Conduct a Heuristic Evaluation; July 2020. https://www.interaction-design.org/literature/article/heuristic-evaluation-how-to-conduct-a-heuristic-evaluation

A Materials

The following materials were used by the evaluation team.

A.1 Heuristics

The evaluators have used the Andrews General Usability Heuristics 2013 found in file: heuristics.pdf.

A.2 Log Files

The individually collected notes can be seen in the following (plain text) log files.

A.3 Spreadsheet

The merged individual lists can be seen in the following file: helist.xlsx.

B List of Abbreviations

AGAnna Glaser
CFChristof Feischl
EWEmil Winterleitner
FBFabian Burgmann
y (Regarding the table for the positive and negative findings)Yes, this person did find this issue
n (Regarding the table for the positive and negative findings)No, this person did not find this issue
Table 15: List of some unknown and arbitrary abbreviations used.